Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Rosemary hastily whipped her wand out, as she pointed it at Graves, her father, as she uttered a spell.

"Expelliarmus!" She cried, as she saw Newt writhe in pain, and sprawled at the floor. The spell didn't hit Graves, as he continued to hurt Newt.

"NO!" She shouted in grief, as she ran towards Graves and tackled him in fury, her wand at hand.

The father and daughter tumbled down the tracks, as Rosemary struggled to keep her father down, to protect Newt.

Graves struggled to pry Rosemary away from him, as Credence was engulfed in a black mass as he became an Obscurus, yet again.

The howling Obscurus reached Graves, who threw Rosemary to the ground with a sickening crunch to her back.

Graves stared at Credence in awe. Newt stared at Credence in horror as he transformed into a full grown Obscurus.

Rosemary had white spots dancing in her vision, and her head lolled to a side, as she struggled to keep conscious of her surroundings.

Newt had his back at the wall, and was panting loudly. He was in so much pain, both physical and emotional.

"Credence." Graves said in wonder, but Credence roared in anger and tried to swallow Graves in whole.

"CREDENCE!" Rosemary turned her head to the sound of Tina's voice. Tina. Of course. He knows her.

"Credence! Stop this right now!" She shouts at him, but maintaining a gentler state. Graves had his eyebrows furrowed as he turned back to Credence, who was slowly listening to Tina, someone who at least he knew.

"Don't do this - please." Tina pleaded, Newt watched her and whispered. "Keep talking, Tina. Keep talking to him - he'll listen to you. He's listening."

Rosemary saw Credence calming a bit, as the black mass turned gentler. Inside the Obscurus, Credence seems to have reaching out to Tina, the only one who seemed to have done an act of kindness to him. He looked desperate, afraid, and scared.

"I know what that woman did to you... I know what you've suffered... you need to stop this now... Newt and I.." She paused, looking at Rosemary. "Even Rosemary, will protect you."

Graves has got back to his feet. Tina, her eyes narrowed in anger, pointed at Rosemary's father. "This man there - he is using you."

Graves stared at Credence. "Don't listen to her, Credence. I want you to be free. It's all right." Rosemary pointed her wand at her father. "Shut up." She said harshly, as she got up.

The Obscurus began to shrink, becoming more and more like Credence, more and more human.

All at a sudden, Aurors began arriving all at once, more advanced as they raised their wands aggressively.

Tina panicked. "Shhh! Don't, you'll frighten him." She said, with worry.

Credence - no, the Obscurus, let out a terrible moan, and began to swell again. Rosemary, Newt and Tina tried to protect Credence, as Graves pulled his wand out and faces the Aurors.

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