Perfect's Not Enough

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Sitting in the corner
Thinking of the do's and don'ts
Nothing is ever enough for your satisfaction
Looking in the mirror you see your own flesh,
Disguising your true ugliness.
Looks don't always last
So make sure to pretty up that open space in your head.
Why do I get this feeling your not listening.
Don't make this big mess 
With your makeup kit.
Don't put those fingers down your throat!
Who told you! This nonsense!

Your pretty just how you are!
What's the point in trying to be perfect?
I don't know what you see in this so called reality.
But it's not worth it.
Your not perfect
But that doesn't mean a thing
At least your real
At least your not a fake plastic doll
Listening to the corruption of social media!
You don't have to be
Part of anything
You can believe in your own reality.

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