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Dear Diary,

How can some people live in poverty while others spend millions on crap they don't need. Like this girl in my class, Lilly, her snooty booty daddy bought her an iphone out of the blue, said she could do with a change, where as kids in Africa live in basically there own shit. If God is trying to do good to the world then his head is pretty messed up. Anyway, on a happier note Jake talked about having sex, thought he was joking at first but he was deadly serious, boy just thinking about it makes me glow inside. We've been going out for like a year now and we've kissed and that but my friends call me a pussy cause I won't do it. I'm only fourteen but my gang well it's the kind of gang that makes you smoke weed, lose your virginity and touch a gun all before the age of ten. I love my friends but there not the greatest influence. Like my friend, Jess she came round mine and light a fag in my room, harmless enough till it caught fire on my curtain, my little sister Bella screamed for my mum and there that was, I was in deep shit. Jess's mum didn't give a shit though, she's a normal mum. I hate my mum ever since dad left she's one of those hopeless mum's that cry at night but are stoned during the day. In fairness she's had a bad life, her mum ditched her and she had no proper dad, then she met my dad in prison and along came an unwanted accident, me! but of course perfect Bella was planned, they actually wanted her, she's sweet and lovely and plays with Barbie's properly without cutting all there hair of. But then something bad happened my dad starting lets just say getting violent, it was impossible not to hear the screams, me and Bella would snuggle up in bed under the duvet and watch a d.v.d as loud as it would go. Thought it was a never enough, those screams will haunt me for the rest of my life and I hope never will I have to cry like that. I've babbled on way to much, speak tomorrow. Peace. NICKY x

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2010 ⏰

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