2. Scarf-Clad Saviour

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Thinks title is clever but lol it isn't
Hey, guys! Look I updated again and it's only a day I think! Whoop! Take that writer's block.
I finally managed to come up with some plot that leads to more ideas for mooooreee plot! So here you go!
Also, unrelated but whatever, right now there's a gas leak on my street and there drilling into our road while another guy is manually digging a hole in my front garden with a shovel, I love it so much I have no idea why XD
Anyway, enjoyable be warned of the slight violence as is with all of these stories!


The next day was bitter and cold, though the conversations on the street warmed (F/N)'s heart to hear. She loved to listen to conversations. What people were having for dinner, what they did that day, anything really. Today she managed to sell a few sunflowers and the night before she gotten off the hook without a scratch. Her partner was happy at the money she'd made thanks to the kind stranger who'd over-payed her. (F/N) knew she shouldn't, but she'd kept just a little bit of the money she'd gotten and put it in a jar hidden away deep in a cupboard in the kitchen. She collected quite a lot in there and she couldn't wait till there'd be enough in the jar for her to say goodbye to her partner for good.

As it got later into the night it got colder and (F/N) snuggled into her scarf; she'd recently been searching her cupboards at home when her partner wasn't home and had found it. It was old and snow white in colour after she'd washed it, it gave her a bit more warmth than usual so she happily wore it everyday with her thin coat and boots. The sky was going from a fluffy pink to a deep blue and soon (F/N) could see stars in the sky. She placed the sunflowers she hadn't sold back into her handmade basket and began to make her way back home. She'd been a bit disappointed that the friendly stranger she'd being seeing so much of hadn't came today, despite all the small talk she made with him, she still hadn't gotten his name.

She made her way past a few dark alleyways to get to her house. She lived in the poorer part of town with little money to buy a better house with, she barely scraped by with her partner demanding more alcohol every night. She'd dropped by at a store to by some, smiling warmly at the woman at the counter she knew well from many visits.

Being Winter, the sky had gotten even darker by the time she'd bought alcohol for her partner and was now on the dingy route to her house. Not many of the street lamps worked, it was surely thought as dangerous but (F/N) had walked down there many times and had learnt to just be brave and deal with it like she did everything else. She continued walking past the alleyways, long overcoming her fear that a hand would grab her as she did. She was always cautious though.

As she rounded the corner of the street, she felt a tug on her scarf roughly pull her back to the street she'd been on. A hand clamped around her mouth as she opened it to scream in surprise and she felt her back hit someone's chest.

"Shush now, we won't hurt you," a husky and rough voice said, "not unless you give us that booze you've got." They finished off and (F/N) looked up slightly to see the face of the man with two shadows of two other men behind him; she was outnumbered yet she knew even if it was just the one she wouldn't stand a chance. She glanced around at the buildings around her to see if anyone could help her but it was a rough neighbourhood and even if anyone could, they wouldn't care enough to do so. (F/N) furrowed her eyebrows, determined to get away, and stamped down hard on the man's foot before he could grab her arms. She bit his hand that was over her mouth too and he quickly flinched away, cursing under his breath.

(F/N) took the chance to run, stupidly she did so into a dead end alley and ended up yet again with her back against the wall, hugging the beer wrapped in the brown bag for her partner; she'd forgotten to bring him alcohol before and had learnt never to do so again. She hugged the bag closer to her chest, terrified. The three men approached her and tried to grab her arms and pull them away from the bag but she tightened her grip, annoying them.

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