Tracking the -A team

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(Spencer's pov)

After a while we decided to let Melissa go. She really had no use for us anymore. We told my parents and they have Melissa on lock down. they put her in a mental hospital in California. I guess it's supposed to the best. We already know who's on the team so we have that part down. Now the hard part, finding them. Everyone went home and Toby gets on his laptop gets on the phone with Caleb and tries to figure out where everyone is. We are so close to finally stopping these bitches. I just want to be done with all of this. I'm sick of the games, the lies and all the other shit.

"I found Mona! Toby screamed from the kitchen. "

I run in and look at the computer. It says she's at a hotel in a town in New York.

" What the hell is she doing in New York?" I say.

"I have now idea," Toby said. " Me and Caleb are going tomorrow and getting her."

And so they did, the next day they left. I felt so lonely here. I feel like I can't do anything anymore because I'm pregnant. I'm like 5 months I can still do things. Anyway Emily and Hanna are going to pay Ezra a visit soon Aria is coming later for stay she's having a hard time with the Ezra thing. She needs someone and so don't I.

Aria came at 2. She's not in the best mood. She's in baggy sweet pants and a baggy sweetshirt. She wasn't wearing any makeup and her hair was down but it looked like it was brushed out. She looked like she hasn't slept in a while. Her eyes were bloodshot. 

"How are you feeling?" I asked her

"I'm fine." she answered. "I just can't believe that he would do that. I trusted him."

"That's exactly how I felt when I found out that Toby was A. but he only did it to protect me." I told her

"come on Spencer. Everything turns out all happy for you. I don't think that Ezra is protecting me. Him and Cece are probably the leaders of it. Just because Toby helped you doesn't mean Ezra will help me." Aria said

"You never know," I tried to comfort her.

That did it. It set her off. She got up, threw the pillow she had on her at me and started screaming.

"Spencer shut the hell up, I'm sorry that I don't have a perfect life like you. I'm sorry that everything will turn out all happy and everything is good again." she yelled.

"I'm sorry that I can't really understand what your going through. I get that your pissed. I would be and I was. Just let me be there for you. Toby is gone. He left his pregnant girlfriend to get Mona. I'm alone. just understand that I've went threw what your going threw." I told her

"I just need to be alone, but I under stand what your trying to say and I get it." she told me

We hugged each other and said our goodbyes. About an hour after she left I got really bored. I decided to call Toby.

"Spence I can't for long ,we're at Monas hotel and we found her room." he told me

"okay I just wanted to make sure you were safe and I'm alone." I told him

"You need to have someone come over or go to your parents. I don' to be alone." He pretty much screamed at me.

"I'll go to my parents house. My mom will probably want to go shopping for the baby. Do you care?" I said to him

"No just don't get a lot I want to be there when we get most the stuff." he told me. "I have i go. I love you.

"I love you too. stay safe." I tell him

we hang up and I get in my car and drive to my parents house.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2014 ⏰

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