What Have I Done?

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I didn't mean for it to go this far. Or maybe I did, but didn't expect it to. Either way, I ended up here...locked in a psych ward.

As of right now, I'm sitting on my bed in one of the many protected(or rather, guarded) cold cement dorm rooms. Sure, the people here are nice, and my roommate is quite like me at the moment--but that does nothing to alleviate the fact that I don't belong here.

My roommate, the poor girl, is silently crying on the bed opposite of mine. Honestly, I could cry myself, being as confused and alone as I am, but I'll stay strong. I'll be fine. I've gotten myself in many tough situations before. I'm used to it.

I don't belong here.

I've only been in this place for about 24 hours, when me and my roommate arrived at about the same time late last night. Just getting through today has made me realize that this is the worst place I've gotten myself while playing the game.

But I should start at the beginning, back when I started with this risky sociopathic game...almost a year ago. Maybe you'll believe I'm psychotic, maybe you'll think I'm despicable for what I've chosen to become--and I won't blame you. I know what I've done is wrong...and I want to stop...but at the same time I feel no remorse. I keep playing the game, even as every fiber of my being tells me to stop. I keep playing even though the people I care about are suffering because of it. I keep playing, even though I'm hurting the one I love.

And yet...I enjoy it.

What is this dangerous game, you may ask?

Well, I call it Deception, because it is a complicated web of lies. There is only one rule to this game--once you tell a lie, you must follow through with it. Once you tell one small lie, you're in the game, and there's no backing out. Lie once, and soon your entire life is a lie. You become the person your lies created.

Tell one lie, and you've hit the start button.

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