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I can't quite remember when I started the game--or at least notice that it was even there. I had always been a compulsive liar, but it wasn't because I wanted to be. It was always just a natural reaction to do so. Lying came naturally to me, and I've always had problems within my family because of it. That, I suppose, tires to the person I've become. Anyways...

All you need to know about my childhood is that it was filled with impulsive lying, rebellious tendencies, and difficulty feeling any remorse for my actions--though I was very good at pretending I'm sorry. Still am.

Either way, I happened to notice a pattern in the reason and the ways I lied. It was strange...I liked observing the reactions I got for the lies that I told. Liked watching people's faces change into horror or happiness, depending on the lie. Of course, I've been caught in my lies before, many times in fact. And yes, at times I've broken the game's rule--but over time I've gotten more deceptive. More convincing. That was when I began playing--when I had gotten talented at my skill. Lying.

My behavior has gotten reckless over the years. Spastic and unpredictable to most people. I have lied about things no one could even guess at...or would even want to guess at. I am, however, still quite actions are just impulsive despite my planning. That has been one thing I'd like to change, as it has affected my carefully thought out situations. Often my impulsiveness is what has gotten my caught, and not my lies.

I'm sort of getting into a rant here, so I'll get back to where I am now, and why I was put in this wretched place.

After starting Deception, my lies grew in scale, starting small, following the game's rule...never letting people know all of this torment was for me to watch. For me to feel. My life was boring, and even with my lies, nothing was changing. I cut my skin to see the blood, and to scare those around me. I grew irritable and depressed, my moods swinging drastically from moment to moment, until everyone had to walk on eggshells for fear of my wrath. But it wasn't enough. I'll admit I was stupid. I didn't plan far enough, so my impulsive nature took over.

I attempted to kill my cousin. But not for real. I faked it, I made everyone around me believe I tried to murder him. First I told my friends, who told my school, who then told my parents, who told my councilor, who told my therapist...and on and on and on. I was a monster...a wretched human being. One who must be contained. I was taken to the ER because after I lied about trying to kill him, I lied that I had tried to kill myself out of fear of being caught. But none of it was true.

That is what you must know. None of this is true. I lied. But no one knows.

That brings you to where I am right now. I'm...a bit stunned, if I'm being honest for once. But maybe you don't believe me...

I never believed my game would have brought me to a psych ward--but then maybe I should have. It's not like I'm a normal being anyway. I've always known I was different. That I was better. Better than all of them. It's about time that I show it.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2017 ⏰

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