Chapter sixteen: Thanksgiving Part One

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Clarke POV:

"So some things you need to know before we go in" I spoke nervously as I turned off the car engine, looking over at Lexa as we parked in the drive way of my nice, childhood house, the dark skies of the cold winters night making the house seem to glow with character from the lights inside.

The drive had been longer than anticipated, taking seven hours to eventually reach Arkadia on the day of Thanksgiving. We sang songs, made jokes, talked about politics and everything and anything under the sun. Although Lexa had slept for the last couple of hours. I couldnt help but stop and take a photo, she looked so peaceful and adorable. Like her walls had broken down for just a little while. But as I sat there, preparing to go in to see my family, who had no idea who Lexa actually was to me, after just a month of dating, I was terrified. 

"There's my mother" I continued, feeling her eyes lock on me, whilst I continued to stare ahead "She's great, protective but great. She struggles to accept that I'm not a kid anymore but you know, parents are like that. Then there's Thelonious, he is Wells' father and also our sort of town leader. He's nice, can be intense but he's nice, like a second father to me. There's also Charlotte, my Dad's niece and my cousin, she's thirteen. She's going through her moody, rebellious stage. Her parents are out of the country, so she's staying with us for a little while"

"So far sounds...good" She nodded, clearly attempting to remember all the names and descriptions I was throwing at her. 

"There's also Kane, or Sugar Kane as Bell, O, Wells and I like to call him. He is the right hand man of Thelonious, oh by the way, we mostly call Thelonious Jaha. Kane also teaches English Lit at the local High School. He acts kind of tough because you know, he has levels of leadership in this town, but he's actually a huge softie, hence the name Sugar Kane" I continued to explain, smiling at the sight of him cooking with my mother through one of the houses window, the two of them oblivious to our presence. It was perfect...until Lexa asked the dreaded question.

"Didn't you mention an Uncle Pike?" She asked curiously. I gulped, feeling the blood drain from my face. I cleared my throat, shifting uncomfortably.

"Pike...well, uh, he's something. He's an absolute dick, to be honest. He is the reason we have a no politics rule at the table. And trust me with two people whose part-time careers are politics that is a very difficult rule to stick to in this house. Honestly, I would be so happy to come out if he just...wasn't there. But he will be. So that's that" I confessed glumly, thinking back to all the arguments and awkward dinners with the vile man. I felt her warm hand cover my own as she stared adoringly at me, leaning over pressing a soft kiss against my lips, the feeling causing me to not even care about Uncle Pike for a moment. All that mattered was Lexa.

"We're a team, okay? We go in together, we are coming out together" She smiled, before her eyes widened "I mean..I meant we will still be a couple when we leave! No matter what Pike said..I didn't can come out as bisexual and dating me on your own of course, I don't have to be there it's completely up to you-"

"Lexa, stop" I grinned, placing a hand on her cheek, making her nervous rambles melt away as her muscles relaxed "Alright, let's go in. I'm ready"

"God I hope your mother doesn't interrogate me" Lexa (half) joked, although there was a sense of actual fear in her voice which was both adorable and amusing. 

I watched as she climbed out of the car just as I did, circling round to the boot to pull out our bags with absolute ease (despite how heavy they were, I struggled to lift them) and grin at me as she wandered over, her eyes sparkling with excited anticipation as we stood before the home I had grown up in, containing memories I knew would never be forgotten.

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