Chapter 1: The Beginning

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Torison's Backstory:
Ever since I can remember I was always in the spotlight, the star of the show, but one day I decided that fifteen years of being in the spotlight was enough for me. I have been working in the Freak Du Chic circus business basically all my life, I'm 28 years old and I love being in the circus industry(if they even call it that!) but I've been finding that it's been wearing me down a little lately.

- My full name is Torison Nebula Woodrow (or just Torison Woodrow), my Circus co- workers and friends just call me Torison or Tori for short.

- I'm one of the first and youngest retired performers of the Freak Du Chic circus.

- I have photographic memory

- my right arm and the lower part of my right leg (which is a little bit above my knee, in which it was amputated when I was young) are made out of metal, they are even magnetic so if I lose them I then, can pull them towards me and put them back on my body (if that makes sense)

- I am also capable of making my metal arm and most of my metal leg look like a real arm and leg made of skin and all that stuff.

- I am also part angel, Which gives me healing powers and makes me stronger then a regular human. (I don't know how or why this "being an angel" thing came to be, but I am) I just don't have any wings, as far as I know

- I graduated high school and continued with my life in the circus
Torison's POV
"Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen to the First night of Freak Du Chic's 140th Annual circus tour!" I had yelled at the crowed with glee, as the crowd cheered with excitement.
"For tonight and this night only, you will be able to have an experience of a lifetime." I continued.
As the crowd carried on with their cheers of exploding excitement.
"Put your hands together for Florence the lion tamer and Judix !" I had carried on, walking off of the stage, as the lights dim and the spotlights move around and then focus on the performers, The crowds cheered on and The show continued on.

~~~~~Time skip to after the show~~~~~

"Well now my part of the show is done" I said to my friends Madeline Riddler one of the acrobats and Blake Thorn one of the other female lion tamers.(A/N: if your wondering Madeline Riddler can like translate and speak riddle-ish, for some weird reason, and riddle-ish being a language in my book)
"Honestly We still don't understand why you quit performing you were and are so good Tori" both Blake and Madeline both said one continuing after the other.
"Well to be honest I still love being with the circus it's just I was sick of being in the spotlight for once in my life since I've been in it for so long" I said without trying to put it in a negative way.
"Well I mean you have been in Freak Du Chic longer then me and Maddie and quite a few of the other performers which is pretty understandable, but whatever makes you happy makes us happy." Blake said with a slight smile.
"Thank you both for understanding, I honestly don't know what I would do without you guys, as you are both are the greatest friends a girl could ever ask for." I said as I pulled Madeline and Blake in by the waists for a group hug.
"Well any ways guys, since your both here and look like your not going to leave for a while, want to hang out and watch some movies" I asked both of them.
"Sure, MOVIE NIGHT!" Blake half yelled
"YEAH!" Maddie added in.

~~~~ a couple hours later ~~~~

I glanced at the clock on the wall and seen that it was getting late "hey guys, I'm going to have to shoo you guys out of my trailer, it's getting late" I said to the girls.
"Really? What time is it?" Madeline asked rubbing her eyes "it's like one in the morning" I told her "Really?" Blake asked as I grabbed
both her hands and pulled her up, "yes it is and both of you need to go back to your trailers to sleep" I told the both of them, as they slowly put their hoodies, we all said our good nights to each other, and they went back to their trailers.

3rd Person POV
After the girls left Tori changed into her pajamas and  hopped into bed, looking at her phone until she fell asleep, but it wasn't long until she shortly dosed off into a peaceful dreamless sleep.

Torison's POV
As the morning come, I woke up and laid in bed for a bit, but finally dragging myself out of bed 30 minutes later to get ready for the day, but for some reason I'm just feeling weird about the day, as if something is going to happen but not knowing what. Which is unusual as I've never felt weird about going about my day before, but it's something I will just have to play by ear, to see if something does happen or if I'm just psyching myself up for something to happen.
As I checked the time I had seen that if I didn't leave my trailer I would be late to whatever it is I'm going to help with.
And with that I left my trailer preparing myself the best I could for the day to come.

A/n: this is my first book so please don't judge if the chapters are short/long and/or really bad, but feedback and comments would be appreciated, and it could help me on what I could add or fix. Oh and just so you guys know Torison has healing powers like rapunzel in the tangled movie except her hair doesn't glow, and these cool glowing marks start to appear and travel down her skin instead as she sings the song like rupunzel does in the movie. And Torison also has like that pretty but darkish red hair and pretty blue/grey eyes and she also dyes her hair sometimes.

2nd A/N: I just wanna clear some stuff up about Torisons age and what she is. Torsion is an angel, but from another planet, she wasn't necessarily sent to earth until she was around 50 years old, which would make her about 9 months if she was an earthling, and right now in the story she is about 127 ish to somewhere that's around the 200 to 400 mark maybe around there in the story if that makes sense.
I'm still figuring it out. But please feel free to comment to help me out

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