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POV of Nick

I was sitting in the living room with the rest of the pack. We were waiting for Brandye to come down stairs so that we could play truth or dare.

She finally comes down about 5 minutes later. She then out of the blue asks, "Do you guys care if I go out tomorrow?"

Why would we care, wait with who? I mean I'm protective over her because I kind of have a crush on her and I don't want her to get hurt. And earlier something was bothering her and she wouldn't tell me what, so I want to know why she's being so secretive.

I pretty sure everyone else said they didn't care but I wasn't listening. "Yes I care." I say with out realizing it. It just came out I didn't mean to. Damn it why did I just say that there is no way I can save myself from that now.

She looks at me confused, "Why?"

Crap what do I say now?!?! "Because I wanted to hangout tomorrow." Fuck I don't think that helped.

"Really." She smiled and said excitedly then tried to play it off by saying, "Ok." She then turns around and walks away.

Fuck what did I just do.

Lauren looks at me like she is about kill someone. Wait is she jealous of Brandye? I mean who wouldn't be she's beautiful, brave, stubborn but in  good way, loyal to the point where if you hurt her friends/family all the way around the world isn't far enough to run, sweet except if you get on her bad side you might want to run fast, independent she likes doing things by herself and hates asking for help so most the time I have to keep pushing her until she givens in, but over all she's perfect especially with all her imperfections. Wait did I just admit that I like Brandye? But Lauren is my mate. But then again Brandye is everything I look for in a girl.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts when Lauren calls my name.

"Nick I thought we were hanging out tomorrow?"

"But Lauren we hang out all the time but I haven't had alone time with Brandye in forever and she is my friend."

If looks could kill I'd be about 6 thousand feet under by now. She scoffs, rolls her eyes, and snuggles up into my chest. Who the hell does this bitch think she is, a queen? What she just did was like telling me that Brandye isn't worth my time. I just can't. Brandye then comes back down and we're about to start the game of truth or dare. Jason gets up to get the beer for everyone.

After about 4 to 5 hours of playing truth or dare no one was drunk a few tipsy but not drunk.

It was Lauren's turn to ask me. "Truth or dare?"


"I dare you to kiss Brandye." She says smirking.

"What?" I ask calmly but inside I'm freaking out.

"You heard me. Kiss the Omega."

"But you're my mate." That sentence just completely killed me to say.

"Just do it. It won't mean anything because it's just a dare and besides you have my permission." She's still smirking.

Ok first it will mean everything and second I don't need your permission. I get up and walk over to Brandye. I look into her eyes and there's a mix of happiness and sadness, and I bet a thousand dollars I can tell you why she's feeling those emotions. I lean in until our lips  are centimeters apart. I smash my lips against hers because I have always wanted this and to my surprise she kisses back. I could tell she's wants this too because of the way she's kissing me. Just then I feel the spark from our touch, and the fireworks in my stomach. I feel like I'm on fire I just can't think straight. Wait that could mean she could also be my mate. Why couldn't I have figured it out soooo much sooner? We pull apart and stare into each others eyes. I plan on telling her what it meant to me, what I felt, and how I feel, but the question is when and how will she feel?

We play until about 2 in the morning and me and Brandye keep catching each others eyes. After the last round Brandye was soooo tired she said she would go to sleep on the couch but i said no, so I picked her up bridal style and carry her up stairs. Right now she's snuggled into my chest and I am at her door. I open it up and set her down on her bed. I was about to turn around and leave when she grabs my wrist and stops me. "Yes darling?" She laughs at the nickname. "Please stay I'm cold and lonely." I smile and say, "Sure anything for you." I lay down ad she snuggles into my side and sets her head on my chest and I wrap my arms around her waist. I wish we could do this more often. I look down at her and smile. I then let sleep take over me and I fall into a deep sleep.

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