One Day Ago

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Spooky Island was a place where your worst fears come to life, that's what Ash had heard. If he were honest, the spooky house at the carnivals back in Kanto were more frightening than some of the attractions on the island. The only thing that really did scare him were the college students.

Was ever he glad that the Regions gave kids his age the chance to not attend school because he can never imagine turning out like those people; being label as stereotypes by people who don't even know you, being cooped up from the world, never having a chance to go out and explore? Not to mention not having his best friends by his side as he travels.

Yeah, he likes being a Region kid.

After watching another group of drunk students walk away from the stand he was working at as they spoke a bunch of ridiculous things in their haze, he turned to his little partner beside him. 

"So, how much you wanna bet they're going to be waking up with a killer headache in the morning?"

The large yellow mouse gave him a look like he was being thoughtful about it before he held up his five little paws. "Pikachu!"

This made the raven-haired boy laugh as he put the money he'd received from the last customers away into the cash register. Another successful day on Spooky Island.

"Is today finally over?" A high-pitch voice whines from behind him. Ash turns around to see one of his best friends, Bonnie, walking over to him, looking miserable with the oversized hula headdress on her head. Ash couldn't blame her for looking like that; that hat did look ridiculous on her.

Ash took a look at the digital clock right beside him. Soon enough, a glowing green 12:00 A.M. appeared on it.

"Yeah, our shift's over." Bonnie had never looked so relieved.

"Finally!" She took off that ridiculous hat and set it down on the counter to be forgotten forever. "Do you know what's it like to wear something like that on your head all day while working in the room full of dish dryers? The kitchen was way cooler!"

"Well, maybe you should have thought before you decided to eat three bowls of frosting!" Ash winced when he heard the familiar puberty-pitched voice. He looked over and saw his other best friends Clemont — who was giving his little sister a hard glare from behind glasses — and Serena — wearing the same hat as Bonnie and sharing the same awkward glance with him — walking out from said kitchen, both of their hands covered in flour.

Ash remembered that incident a few days ago; before, it was Bonnie and Serena in charge of the kitchen while Clemont was the one attending the dishes but it changed when the older sibling caught his sister trying to sneak in some bowls of frosting. Since then, Clemont's been helping Serena in the kitchen while Bonnie was the one stuck with the dishes.

The young girl pouts, "It's not my fault that frosting tastes so good!"

"Bonnie, that's stuff bad for your teeth!" Clemont argues. "Do you think I want to explain to dad why you have so many cavities in them?"

While the two siblings continue their bickering Serena took the moment to walk up to Ash and joined him by leaning her back against the counter like him.

"Can you really believe it only took them three weeks before they start to fight again?" She asked with mirth shining in her blue eyes. It made Ash chuckle under his breath.

"Yeah, I really thought they were going to explode on the first five days," he turns his attention towards the yellow mouse. "Right, Pikachu?"

"Pikachu!" The Pokémon gave a cheerful cry, making the two children laugh.

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