A Few hours In And I've Already Ruined My High School Career

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I chucked my bag in the back seat and shuffled my way over to the passenger seat. The interior of the car still smelt like summer; sunscreen and salt water. My sister ran out of the house, purse dangling in one hand phone in the other. I glanced at my watch as she slid into the drivers seat and started the car, we were going to be late, again. Georgia peeled out of the driveway and sped down the road.  I held onto the armrests for dear life, there could have been no better time for her to have used the expression "Hold on to your, horses". The contents of her light purse went flying; a notebook, a pencil, some lipgloss and various other makeup supplies. My bag on the other hand stood still wighted down by all of the crap inside; lunch box, gigantic pencil case, binders, water bottle, old notes and galore! It was my burden for caring about grades.
"It wouldn't kill you to drive slower you know..." I broke the silence glancing over at my white knuckled sister.
"You said you wanted to be on time this year." It was true, I'd been late for the first day of school since freshmen year, when my sister figured out she could drive to school.
"Yes, but I'd rather arrive late and alive than on time and dead." She rolled her eyes.
"Oh come on my driving isn't that bad." She swerved and slammed on the breaks, I flew forward in my seat.
"Really." I rubbed my forehead which had hit the dashboard. "I think their better than not that bad! Their bloody fantastic!" I exclaimed. She started driving again, this time at a slower pace.
"Fine be little miss always late."
"No one else deserves my title anyhow." I shot back with a smirk. Georgia pursed her lips and shot me a glare.
"Well did you ever think that maybe I didn't want to be late?" I let out a laugh. My sister wasn't someone who showed up on time, she didn't get good grades and couldn't care less. She only attended school because our mom made her. I on the other hand was the complete opposite; I may have a reputation for being late but that's not my fault, I care immensely about my grades and am not focused on my looks, unlike someone I know. Let's just say the most me and my sister share is the same eyes. As we pulled into the school parking lot I glanced around, the lot was empty except for the few kids hanging around skipping class. I grabbed my bag and hopped out of the car while my sister collected her things.
"Hey Gigi," a male voice called out, my sister turned around immediately. The tall boy approached he glanced at me and gave me a quick nod and smile
"Carter." I returned his greeting. He slid his arm around Georgia's waist and pecked her on the cheek.
"So what are we gonna do today babe?" He asked her. I mentally gagged, honestly Carter wasn't a bad guy but I really don't want to know what him and my sister do when I'm not around. Remembering my tardiness I jogged towards the school and threw open my locker tossing in my spare things and running to class. I slipped through the door, attempting to use my secret ninja skills to sneak in unnoticed.
"Miss. Jenkins." Mr. Adams called from his desk, I flinched being last named already, and I've only just walked in the door. I stumbled over to his desk feeling everyone's eyes on me.
"Would you care to explain why you have arrived to class half an hour late?"
"My sister woken up late." I muttered
"And that makes you late for school?"
"It does if I don't want to die with her speeding down the residential streets at 90km an hour." I shot back low on patience. I hadn't had a good nights sleep in days, and that makes me extra grumpy. Mr.Adams shot me a glare and handed me a thin booklet.
"This is a quiz to see what you remember about last years math. You have until the end of the period." I sighed and grabbed the package. Being late I glanced around the class for an empty spot, and some familiar faces.
"Oh and Miss. Jenkins?" I turned back to face the teacher.
"We have a seating plan, go sit beside Mr. Peterson." I felt my heart drop to my stomach, Mr. Adams must really hate me.
Why else would he put me next to the most annoying and obnoxious person in the entire universe; Cole Peterson. The dark haired boy looked up from his test and shot me one of his trademark smiles. I returned it with a glare and made my way over to the empty desk. His teal eyes looked at me curiously. I ignored him and turned towards my test. After a couple minutes I felt a soft tap on my shoulder, then another, and another and another. I spun my head towards Cole.
"What?" I hissed quietly.
"Why so glum chum?" He asked giving me a mock frown. I shot him another scowl and he smiled his eyes twinkling. Cole was one of those guys that girls swoon over, in fact I've herd him called "man candy" plenty of times. With his dark hair and bright teal eyes it was hard to not turn some heads, but that didn't makes him any less annoying.
"Does my little sun beam need me to cheer her up?" He whispered in my ear. I clenched my teeth and let out a breath mentally counting to ten to calm my self. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine...
"Because you know" He paused "it would be my pleasure." He whispered his lips brushed against my ear as he whispered.
"You little..." I slapped his arm and he let out a yelp, falling out of his chair clutching his arm.
"Miss. Jenkins, Mr. Peterson do we have a problem?" Mr. Adams called from the front of the class.
"No Mr. Adams." I called back as the bell rang signalling the end of class.  Cole got and stood up, he gave me a pout still cradling his arm.
"Oh you drama queen." I shot at him.
"I'll be king, but you can be queen if you want." He winked, I brought my hand up to slap him again but he grasped my wrist quickly.
"That called abuse sunshine, and its frowned apone." He lectured me.
"I'm not your sunshine."
"I never said you were Summer." He smirked at me and headed down the hallway. I stared at his back as he left glaring as usual.
All the classes passed like a blur, I had only one elective this term... HORAY! Making the only thing I have to look forward to music class. Not to brag or anything but I was pretty good at music, after all I'd played it ever since I could pick up an instrument. So as I pushed through the crowded halls and the hoards of people that came with them I hoped that music would make up for my crummy day. As I pushed the door open the teacher spotted me and smiled; Mrs. Freeman was my favourite teacher, she never asked for much work and would rather teach us to play and appreciate music than to follow the curriculum. So I smiled back and she gestured for my to come and see her. As I walked the music room started to fill with people, the level of noise dramatically rising. As I reached Mrs. Freshman I noticed the large case sitting behind her desk.
"So Summer," she started "I was thinking. Since you are ahead in the class." I smirked, giving myself a mental part on the back."how would you like to learn a new instrument as there are many beginners in the class." I gave her a nod, I mean why not I already play seven instruments how hard could a eighth be?
"So I was thinking the cello, because there is only one other cello in the class. And it's one of my personal favourite instruments." I gave her a smile.
"I'm always up for a challenge."
Not only did I not know that this would be a lot harder than I thought, but it would be the worst decision I ever made.

If you read through this I love you! Anyways I'll keep it short and sweet: that was the first chapter! And there is more to come! Don't forget:
And maybe.... Fan?
Love you all

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