Randawm- The Special Plan

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It was a warm evening as Random and Dawn had their late afternoon stroll. It wasn't their typical stroll in fact Dawn had a special plan for Random. You see Dawn built a special secret bedroom that appeared to be soundproof. He intended to use it later on that evening. Only god knows what his intentions were as poor little innocent Random held his hand firmly as they continued to walk and enjoy the scenery revolving around them.

Random's P.O.V~
I gripped his hand harder as we walked further into the road. Soon enough any structures built from mankind started disappearing as nature surrounded us. I didn't know where we were headed. I didn't care I'd go anywhere with him. I felt safe and secure even strong. I've been with him for about 8 months now and I feel like I've known him forever. We haven't said a word as we left our apartment. We enjoy the silence and the company of one another. I stared at the side of his face for quite some time. As cheesy as it sounds my whole world revolved around him.

"I love you..." I whispered into his ear.
He stopped walking and stared into my eyes. It wasn't his usual stare. He had a more fearsome look which I've never truly witnessed. It kind of scared me at the moment but I knew deep down he would never hurt me...or so I thought.
Out of no where he attacked my lips like a ravaged wild animal. I gasped in horror but I hid the little excitement deep within me. He quickly pulled away with the sound of a plop as soon as our lips parted. I stood in shock at what he just did. It was always gentle with him...I kind of liked it though.

Dawn's P.O.V~
That look she gave me I couldn't control myself. With those three little words I lost it completely I need her now! I quickly swooped her off her feet and carried her bridal style as I ran to the secret room I had prepared for just us. We arrived there in a split second. Even I surprised myself on how fast I got there. I kicked the door open as lust took over me completely. I quickly threw her on the bed which was covered in petals.
"Dawn what are you do-" I cut her off as i threw myself on top of her and kissed her with so much passion and need. I heard her muffled moans but I kept running my hands all over her beautiful body.
"Dawn......" she breathed heavily as her chest bounced up and dawn.
"Only say my name...." I stared at her with awe as I quickly went back to pleasing her.


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