chapter 16

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"Hello , Zero ." Miyu greeted Zero standing a distance away with a smile on her face . Behind her Takuma, smiled a closed eyed smile carrying a large box with ribbon in his hands .

"Miyu-sama, What are you doing outside the dorms ?" He asked her with a surprised look on his face . Giggling she brushed back her hair from her face .

"It's the dance tonight so I went out and decided to get Yuki a little present." Miyu said walking closer to him . Reaching up she cupped the side of his face with a concern look on her face .

"I heard what happened, with her . Are you alright ?" She asked him tilting her head to the side . Sighing he placed his hand on to of hers enjoying the comfort it provided .

"I'm fine now . " Zero told her with a emotionless expression . Shaking her head she gazed up at him with a frown .

"Zero, ever since I rescued you that night you became something precious to me . You can trust me in any thing ." She told him reaching out to pat the place in his jacket where Bloody rose was .

"I even gave you my blood several times if that wasn't enough . And presented you with the bloody rose so that one day you can take your revenge and also to make you braver ." Miyu told him looking into his eyes . Reaching into her pocket she took out a glass flask filled with red liquid .

"Please I don't want to lose you ." She told him placing the flask gently into his hand . Gazing down at it in deep thought he nodded his head causing Miyu to smile leaning up to kiss him tenderly on the cheek . Beginning to walk away she stopped behind him frowning .

"Zero....there might come a time soon when you come to hate me  and will point Bloody rose at me .others will probably want to end my life as well, when that time comes I hope it's you who ends my life pulling that trigger ."  Miyu told him before walking away from leaving his with wide shocked eyes gazing after her .


"Did you deliver it to Yuki 's friend ?" Miyu asked Takuma as she brushed her hair .

"Hai." Takuma said quietly . With a raised eyebrow she gazed at him through the mirror.

"What's the matter ? Your not jealous are you ? That I gave Zero some of my blood ?" Miyu asked him.  Standing up and walked over to him cupping the side of his face .

"You don't need to be, my little insecure Takuma ." Miyu insured him with a smile , smiling back he placed his hand over his chest getting on one .

"I'll be your knight and loyal servant for as long as you your heart beats." Takuma told her with a smile .

"As long as my heart beats ...."


Gazing around the crowd Miyu danced happily around with Takuma before her eyes gazed over to the balcony seeing Yuki dance with her brother .

"Are you okay ?" Takuma asked her with a worried tone, turning to him she smiled shaking her head .

"Let them have their moment . Let's continue on with the plan ." Miyu said gazing once more at the two with a sad smile . I'm sorry for what I'm about to do .

"Lets carry out with the plan ."


"I'm being chased...I need blood to strengthen me ." Shizuka said to Yuki .

"For that your innocent blood is necessary ." Shizuka explained sitting down in front of Yuki running her fingers though Yuki's short hair .

"You still want strength ...if you touch a student of the academy --"

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