Chapter 10.

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I want to brake my record today :D My record is 800 words but i will try to brake that record today! :D

But i hope you enjoy this chapter! :)

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''Oh...Natsu, you have grown to be so handsome. '' Mom giggled. Natsu just smiled at her.

''Sorry to keep you waiting! '' Lucy said as she entered the house. '' Finally Lucy.'' Nana smiled.

'' Oh my, who is this lovely girl? '' Mom smiled at Lucy. ''This is Lucy Heartfilia, my girlfriend. '' Natsu said as he but his arm around Lucy.

Mom clapped her hands together. '' Dear! Come here! '' Mom yelled.

'' What is it? '' Dad came in to the room where they were. 

'' Look! It's Natsu! Our son....And this lovely girl is his girlfriend.'' Mom exclaimed.

'' Natsu? My son!'' Dad gave a quick hug to Natsu. Natsus dad looked like Natsu only that he had strait black hair and he had onyx eyes.

'' Now, now. You all go sit. I'll prepare the food.'' Mom smiled and went to the kitchen.

'' I'll help! '' Lucy followed mom to the kitchen.

'' Mom? What is your name? '' Lucy asked as she put the salad in to the bowl.

'' Oh, my name is Mary, but call me mom!'' Mom smiled and Lucy nodded.

'' So? Hows Natsu? Is he at a safe place? Has he gotten hurt? '' Mom said whit a worried voice.

'' Natsu is great, i think. He's in a safe place called Fairy tail, its a guild for mages. Well... He has gotten hurt a lot, he has almost died many times, but he is really powerful so its always turned out good. '' Lucy answered mom.

'' I see....At least he's ok.'' Mom put on a worried smile.

xX-At the dinner table-Xx

''So Natsu, how's she in bed?'' Dad put on a perverted smile.

'' DAD!? Don't be a pervert! '' Nana shouted. 

'' Sorry....'' Dad pouted. '' So how's your life?'' Dad asked Natsu.

'' Used to be hell, but now its wonderful! '' Natsu smiled.

'' Was it hell, because you kicked Lucy off the team?'' Nana teased.

''You wanna go?'' Natsu shouted at her. ''Bring it!'' Nana smiled evilly.

''I'm a fire mage to so...! '' Nana smiled again and lights her fists on fire and Natsu did the same.

Suddenly everyone felt evil aura come from the kitchen. And Lucy stepped out whit a angry face.

'' Did I just hear fighting! Natsu? Where are your manners? Nana? Do you want to destroy stuff? '' Lucy slowly walked towards the two. Mom and dad just watched them.

'' L-Luce...'' Natsu whispered in fear. Lucy smashed Nana's and Natsu's heads together.

'' Behave!'' Lucy said and went back to the kitchen.

'' Oh, my.'' Mom chuckled.

Soon the food was done and Lucy and mom served the food.

'' Luce, why did you do that? It really hurts...'' Natsu pouted.

''Well that's what you get for miss behaving! '' Lucy giggled.

'' Natsu, dear. Are you okay from all the battles you have had?'' Mom asked worried.

'' Yeah! The guys that i have been fighting have been tough, but they aren't as strong as me.'' Natsu smiled.

''That's good to hear. But you Lucy are you okay? '' Mom asked Lucy.

''Yes, I was always saved by Natsu. But after the four years i was gone, i became stronger. So now I'm even more ok! '' Lucy smiled as well.

''Four years you were gone? '' Dad asked. ''Yes. Team Natsu was forced to kick me out off the team and Fairy tail was forced to ignore me...So i left Fairy tail...After four years i returned.'' Lucy explained.

''I see, well at least you are still alive and ok. '' Dad smiled at them.

'' Hey Nana? How did you meet Lucy?'' Natsu asked Natsune.

'' One day I was wondering in a forest and I found a cute girl, named Lucy. When she looked at me she toughed i was Natsu, but when she looked closely she saw that i wasn't Natsu.We started talking. I soon discovered about you, Natsu. So i went to the dragon world whit Lucy, so that i can be like you! '' Nana explained and started eating her chicken.

''oh...'' Natsu said stuffing food in his mouth.

When they finish eating food, Natsu and Lucy deside to go home.

''Please come again! Natsu be nice to Lucy ok? '' Mom smiled and set a glare to Natsu. '' Aye! '' Natsu said quickly.

xX-At the guild-Xx

''Lushii! Natsu! '' The blue exeed yelled flying to Natsu. '' Yo, Happy! '' Natsu smiled widely.

Natsu went to fight Gray and Lucy went to talk whit the girls.

''You know, I'm still wondering who is that man was who attacked us...'' Lucy put on a serious face.

''I guess we need to wait for him to attack again. Maybe then we can figure it out. The only thing i know is that he uses darkness magic.'' Erza said while thinking a plan.

''Yeah, the only thing we can do is wait...'' Lucy sighed.

 '' I still can't belive that i'm Natsus girlfriend.'' Lucy blushed and smiled.

''You guys are dating?!'' The girls yelled.

''Yeah, haven't i told you guys that yet?'' Lucy asked.

'' No you haven't..Tell me everything now!'' Levy sat closer to Lucy and Lucy sighed.

'' Natsu....!'' Erza slowly stood up walking toward Natsu.

''W-What did I do?'' Natsu slowly backed up, looking for a place to run.

Erza pointed a sword toward him. '' If you hurt Lucy...Your head will be gone!''

'' E-Erza-san, i think that's to much...'' Wendy sweat dropped. And the girls nodded.

''Lucy isn't Juvias love rival anymore!'' Juvia hugged Lucy.

''Oh man. Now i have to pay Natsu...'' Gray sighed. ''Huh? Why?'' Lucy asked.

''We made a deal: if he starts dating someone first i need to pay him 1000 jewels, or if i had started dating someone first he would have payed me..'' Gray explained.

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I did it! I wrote 1031 words! :D Hope you enjoyed and see you soon :) 

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