what have i done part 1

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It was 2 years ago on the the first day of senior year . I saw jack and fell in love immediately.

Mark's pov

I yawned and looked at my clock "shit " I mumbled to myself . I quickly got up and put my binder on first thing then a superman tank ,skinny jeans , and my black converses. I quickly ran downstairs to find a $20 and a package of pop tarts 'thanks mom ' I thought as I grab my headphones and my supply pouch . then quickly grabbed my keys and got into my car . I sped down to my school to see my best friend Aaron there we walked up to the doors of the school " u ready to start our last year" he said looking at me . " nope" I said as he opened the door . " too bad " he said pushing me in . I tripped and fell . I looked at Aaron angrily then got up and stormed to my new locker . I opened it and grabbed my bag that I put in there at orientation and put my stuff in it and kind of stomped to class . I wasn't the first person but I wasn't late either, I found a seat in the back of the class then Aaron walked in a sat next to me. he turned to me , I kept looking forward " hey I'm sorry mark I didn't know u'd fall " he said , I looked at him after about minute . " I'm sorry for storming off I know u didn't mean to hurt me " I said with a small smile . he smiled back I looked upfront as the teacher walked " welcome student to your last year of school " she said .some people sighed some started to sniffle , me and Aaron didn't really give a fuck . then he walked in . it felt like my fucking ovaries exploded . Aaron knew what I was thinking already . ya see me and Aaron have know each other since the beginning of 6th grade , so we pretty much know each other's thoughts , and boy did I think he was hella cute . he sat down in the same row as us but on the other side

this was the last bit i wrote for this . tell me if you want more guys -catmarie 

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