Icy Wind: Gray X Male Reader

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This story is for Hamza 1321. Hamza thanks for following and yeah, guys, if you loved it, leave a big thumbs up/vote. Im waiting for requests :-).

The story starts now...

You sighed, glancing after the others. You have been apart of Fairy Tail for the past three years. Every since your adoptive father, Avenlan, disappeared, you had no choice but to survive on your own. It resorted to you joining up with a dark guild at the age of sixteen. Three years after joining it, you escaped after learning their true intentions. You were a Dragon Slayer, an Ice Dragon Slayer to be exact. Your transformation was partial, meaning your appearance was altered. Your canines were fangs, eyes slitted, nails sharpened, and scales decorated some of your body. You had an insanely low body temperature that gave anyone frost bite if they touched it. As a result, you stayed covered in light, durable clothing. A (color) hooded shirt, with a (color) mask, (color) pants, gloves, and boots.

    Avenlan had taught you great spells and never to reveal your draconic nature. However, you had to in order to save your guild mates at the time. How naïve you were. A week later, they had planned to drug you and sell you to the highest bidder. So you ran until you collapsed, where you were found by Gray and his group. Immediately the two of you bonded and learned from the other. Truth be told, despite the five-year age difference, you loved the male. He was reliable, loyal, and down to earth. You were best friends, even when the Fire Dragon Slayer came along. However, you stayed away because he made your skin crawl.

    Now it was the annual summer festival, and you had two choices. Let yourself suffer in silence for another year, or admit to Gray your feelings. Juvia already had her eyes on him, and everyone said he and Natsu made the perfect couple. And if Gray didn’t like you back… It made your heart ache. Right now, Lucy was trying to break the two up. “For the last time, Lucy, I don’t like him like that!” Gray snapped, glaring at the giggling Celestial Mage. She waved him off, denying his claim. Closing your eyes, you took a breath to calm yourself. By doing so, you missed dark blue eyes sliding over to you.

    Gray has had feelings for you since two years ago. The two of you had went on a mission together, and he had been a little reckless. A rock slide would’ve crushed him flat had you not sacrificed your own self. He remembered the pressure of your icy body, the frightening experience making his heart burst, and the smile beneath the tight, (color) mask. You asked if he was okay before shifting all the boulders away. Then you collapsed, just like that day he found you. He never told you, but he peeked underneath the mask as he was waiting for the guild. He found you beautiful and wondered about the scales. He never wanted to ask just so you wouldn’t get angry and hate him.

    “Hey, (First), you okay?” he asked, walking over. Nodding, you finally looked at him in the eyes. Gray was looking at you with concern. Giving him a small smile, you motioned towards the others. Walking side by side, you enjoyed the day with him. Of course, he tried to out eat Natsu in the contest and lost. Chuckling, you helped him off stage. Sitting on a bench, you were surprised when he laid his head in your lap. “Hope you don’t mind…” he mumbled, a sick look on his face. Shaking your head, you leaned back and glanced up at the sakura trees. Unconsciously, your hand laid on his shoulder. He reached up, grabbing it in a loose grip. You grasped his hand, feeling your cheeks grow a little warm.

    “Gray…?” you asked quietly, knowing it was time. Night was falling as the moon shone through the pink petals. The wind brought the smell of festival food and burning incense, blossoms dancing in the breeze. Looking down, you studied his face. He looked up at you, eyebrow raised. His hand gripped yours tightly as he waited with baited breath. “I’m only going to say this once. I care for you, more than as a friend. I feel as if you complete me.” You spoke quietly, only so he could hear your words underneath the festival sounds. He couldn’t believe it. Sitting up quickly, he turned to you.

    “(First), I feel th-“ His words were cut short by a deafening boom and people screaming. Jumping up, you both hurried towards the wreckage. People were running and Fairy Tail was quick to the site. Who was there made your blood stop. It was your old master, Isrich, and the rest of Devil’s Grasp. He grinned as he saw you.

    “Ah, (First)! Just who we wanted to see,” he said, jumping down from the building. Natsu stepped forward ready to fight, but you placed a hand on his back. Shaking your head, you went forth.

    “Isrich, you have two choices. Either flee with your life, or die here tonight,” you warned, eyes slitting further. Your magic energy picked up as well, an icy mist flowing from you. He merely laughed, giving the signal to attack. The fight between Fairy Tail and Devil’s Grasp began!

Fairy Tail Male Character X Male Character/Male Reader/ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now