one | random human beings

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catsarepurple, irishpancakes, texasboi, geniusisadora, imbatman, and zayscookie have been added into the group DM.

zayscookie: hello??

catsarepurple: what in the world is this???

irishpancakes: have I just been added into another random group chat?

texasboi: who are you people??

imbatman: ......

geniusisadora: ugh, more peasants.

zayscookie: yea well I just followed you guys on Instagram and thought that it'll be cool if we made a group dm??

geniusisadora: if your definition of 'awkward' is cool, then yea, cool.

imbatman: yea well, great to meet you guys then!

irishpancakes: soo anyway what's up you random human beings

zayscookie: is that a new nickname for us?? ;) @  pancakes

zayscookie changed the name of the group to random human beings.

catsarepurple: since we're already here... HI!! my name's Riley, what about you guys?

texasboi: hey, I'm Lucas

irishpancakes: I'm Maya.. and LOL @ cookie guy

imbatman: Farkle!!

zayscookie: I'm Zay, as my username says

geniusisadora: why am I even here... I'm Isadora, but you can call me Smackle, too.

irishpancakes: alright, so how old are you guys??

zayscookie: I'm 17

catsarepurple: 16

geniusisadora: 16

texasboi: 17

imbatman: I'm 17!

irishpancakes: cool, I'm 16

texasboi: why would you even name yourself zayscookie, Zay???

zayscookie: yea well once my mum made cookies and being someone who LOVED cookies...

geniusisadora: get to the point, grandma

catsarepurple: OOH, lemme guess you ate them all up and left none for your cats??

zayscookie: what?? no! after eating lots I had only one left, and I wanted to savor it slowly, but my little sister ate it all up... and the cookie was still in my hand!!! soo my username has the word 'cookie' in it in remembrance of the cookie

imbatman: okay, even someone as lame as I am, thinks that is the lamest story ever.

zayscookie: I know, but this group dm is just too awkward lmao

texasboi: yea, and you totally made it less awkward

zayscookie: I'm doing my best, alright!? also there's a cookie in my name bc I actually couldn't think of anything else, the whole story was bullshit

irishpancakes: yeaaa, Zay. we kinda guessed that already

imbatman: anyway! hope we get to know each other more over the next few days?

geniusisadora: yeah yeah whatever

irishpancakes: I actually wouldn't mind that

texasboi: ^

zayscookie: maybe we'll even become close friends!!

at home, in New York

I looked through all the messages my so-called new friends had sent and thought, who knew that Instagram could bring random strangers together just like that? well, technically it was zay who did it, but if not for group dms, perhaps we wouldn't even know of each other's existence... maybe, just maybe, we'll really become the best of friends one day.

I yawned and sent one last message before going to bed.

catsarepurple: yeah, maybe someday...

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