Chapter 1

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Warning: Inappropriate use of language and there is some smut in this story. You have been warned read on if you wish.

Dean looked up into his fathers eyes, they were the colour of caramel and chocolate mixed and the reflection of the stars lit up his fathers eyes. Dean looked around, his eyes started to tear up. His father, John, asked in a tone that sounded like a whisper but wasn't quite at a whisper level "Son, are you alright?". Dean doesnt respond at first but then he realised his dad was talking to him and he didn't want his father becoming angry like the alcoholic he is. "Yeah I'm fine" he mumbled. His father looked at him

He looks worried maybe I should tell him what's going on.

Dean started to sweat a little, there was a good 15 minutes of silence while he, sam and their father watched the fireworks as they celebrated bonfire night. Dean knew it was a british tradition but he didn't really care, at least he got to spend time with his father because he's always out at 'work' and Dean and Sam doesn't see him for months, maybe even a year. But Sam on the other hand, Dean always sees Sam because since their dad's always away, that leaves Dean to look after Sam. Dean's always doubting his father when he says he has to leave to go to 'work' because Dean thinks his dad just goes for months to get laid, it was only a couple of weeks back that Dean found out that he and Sam has a half brother called Adam. Dean's going through the process of forgiving John for this but he's not quite there yet. Finally the silence is broken by Sam "Can we go home now? It's starting to get extremely cold that I actually might get hypothermia" Dean chuckled a bit and followed that with a warm tender voice "Sure we can". Dean, Sam and John walked over to the Impala and they drove home.

As soon as they got in John ordered the boys to go to bed, Sam bolted up the stairs but when Dean about to go John grabbed his arm and pulled him aside to the kitchen. "Son, we need to talk..." Dean felt sick in his stomach as his dad carried on talking "I was walking past the diner you work in and I saw you or someone who looked like you and they was with a boy and they were holding hands. It was ages ago when you were being home schooled. I'm hoping it wasn't you because no son of mine will be gay". Dean felt even more sick and he got paler the more he thought about it. Dean didn't reply, he didn't do anything at all. This was a bad move. His dad quickly assumed it was Dean and punched him repeatedly in the stomach.

He's drunk again, of course.

Dean thought. John eventually stopped and Dean ran upstairs to his room for some sleep. He has to get up early tomorrow for work.

The next morning came and Deans sleep was rudely interrupted by his alarm clock. He slept for an extra 5 minutes, well what seemed like 5 minutes. He woke up and looked at the time. "SHIT I'M LATE!" He exclaimed. He quickly got dressed, ran down downstairs, grabbed the keys to the Impala and sped down to where the diner was.

He quickly ran into the diner only to see Ellen wasn't impressed. "Sorry Ellen it won't happen again, I promise" Dean said apologetically. "You better be" Ellen said whilst chuckling. Dean kissed Ellen on the cheek and walked over to the counter, Ellen walked over to him but said nothing.

The diner was deserted all day until one point this boy walked in, he's around Dean's age and Dean glanced at him, falling off his stool. He quickly stood up. " God he's cute" Dean said trying to whisper it but it was a bit too loud. Dean hoped the boy didn't hear it. "Alright lover boy quit drooling on my counter" Ellen said then laughing. Dean just glared at her.

Okay so I'm starting this story back up but it'll be different. From the next chapter it'll be in P.O.V's. Have fun with this story and enjoy it

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2017 ⏰

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