A/N: The Music of WTE

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So I generally don't like putting Author's notes in the middle of my story, but I'm going to make an exception here now that I've finished with TSoD. A lot of impact in these episodes come with their music and, since this is in written form, you're missing out on it. I tend to listen to the raw, uncut score for each episode as I write it so I thought I'd like them here for you. Some of the dialogue is still over top in these so you can actually pinpoint where you are in the episodes if you listen closely enough. Basically, if you have half an hour to sit down and listen it's highly recommended.

Utopia Soundtrack:

Favorite moments: Starting around 27:47, when the Master's voice from the watch is audible (as in the chapter You Are Not Alone), set the sound of 'The Master Vainglorious' uuugh it gives me shivers.

This continues to right about the end, since it kind of ping-pongs back and forth between different versions of 'The Master Vainglorious' and 'All The Strange Strange Creatures.' Particularly when it slows down around 30:06, and the screams of the Futurekind sound before the music kicks up again.

The Sound of Drums Soundtrack:

Favorite moments: to start with, 7:28 is my personal favorite remix of 'All The Strange Strange Creatures.' The explosions in the background make it even better :D

Then starting at 10:37 is the backdrop to the phone call between the Doctor and the Master (featured in the chapter Run For Your Life), which lasts several minutes and is made cooler by the fact you can hear most of the conversation in the background. The music just builds and builds and gets even more hopeless until 14:47 which is when you get the 'ooh, you public menace' comment from the Master (which makes me laugh). And then, my very favorite part is 15:06 when you hear him yell 'run for your life!' the music builds for a moment more, and then the big, booming drums of 'This Is Gallifrey' kick in and just uuurgh I love it.

The President's speech starts at 25:59 and then, of course, soon the Master jumps in and it all falls apart and the music is just so good. I know I'm saying that a lot but I really do love it. I looped from this point until the end I don't even know how many times. And I do enjoy how most of the dialogue from this point on is intact behind the music.

31:14 is the descent of the Toclafane, which segues right into a particularly heartbreaking mix of  'Martha's Quest' another musical favorite of mine.

Okay I didn't realize this was going to turn into such a long thing of me rambling about music. Whoops!

Individual pieces mentioned:

The Master Vainglorious:

All The Strange Strange Creatures:

This is Gallifrey:

Martha's Quest:

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