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I had arrived at Niall's house dressed in a suit and tie, professional but not over doing it. I walked up to the bouncer and smiled. "Hello my good man, my name is Harry. I'm here for the party." I said as the bouncer looked at me. "Yes Mr. Horan made it very clear you're not welcome at this party, go inside where all the other rejects are. I'm sure you'll fit right in." He said as he chuckled. "Sounds good." I said as I walked to the house and decided to do a little self touring of the house, I walked up stairs and saw a door slightly open, I slowly opened it and walked in, making sure to be as quiet and quick as possible. Something caught my attention on the tv stand, a CD in a plastic case called "pretty girl" I quickly turned the tv on, slipped the disc into the DVD player and pressed play, and the I gasped in shock, there on the bed was Niall and my secretary have nasty and rough sex. I turned it off, put the disc back in its case and slide the case into my coat pocket. I was going to expose Horan for who he really is. A dirty, rotten, Cheater. Horan will be ruined, and his girl will be so devistated, then I'll swoop in and comfort her and then steal her right under Horan's nose. It's the perfect plan. "Come on everyone! Mr. Horan is about to make a very special announcement." One of the guests said as they all rushed outside. I took a stand at the balcony as Niall was holding a microphone. "Excuse me everyone, thank you for joining me tonight on this special night. "I brought you all here to do something I've been wanting to do for a while." He got down on one knee and took out a ring as Katie gasped and the crowd awed in happiness. "Katie will you do the incredible honor of becoming Mrs. Niall Horan?" Niall asked her as she nodded. "Don't do it!" I yelled using the other microphone. "He's a cheater! I have proof of him cheating on you! Right here in my pocket is a sex tape of Niall and my Secretary having sex." I said as the crowd gasped. "Who dares to call me a cheater!" Niall growled. "I did Horan." I said as the crowd parted below and I stepped forward. "You! You have no right to snoop through my room! I'm trying to purpose to the woman I love, now if you'll excuse me." Niall cut me off. I popped the DVD in the DVD player connected to the projector and pressed play as Niall and my secretaries naked bodies intertwined on his bed. "Turn it off! I can't watch anymore!" Katie cried as she looked betrayed. I shut the video off as she looked at Niall, raised her hand and slapped him clear across his face. "You asshole! I loved you and you cheated on me?! I'm not marrying you! You can take this ring and shove it up your ass!" She said as she threw the ring at him and ran off. "Katie wait!" Niall cried. "It's too late Horan she's gone. And I'm never going to let her go. She'll be my girl and I'll treat her better than you did. No cheating for this cat, she's the one I want to be with." I said getting close to his face. "You did this on purpose you bastard! I'm going to ruin you!" He growled as he punched me in the lip as It bleed and the crowd gasped and stepped back. "I'm not going to fight back because this is a peaceful party. I don't want the guests to put me on their bad side I'm going to be the maturely , business man and leave." I said as I ran after Katie.


I walked down the sidewalk, dragging my wheeling suitcase behind me. I heard someone shout my name and turned around. "Mr. Styles, what are you doing? Aren't you going to go enjoy the party?" I asked him as I wiped my tears away and sniffled. "I swear I had no idea about that tape, I stumbled upon it while I was checking out the beautiful artworks in each room. I'm sorry you had to find out that way.. I wish Niall would've just told you. I'm sorry Niall did that, if you need a place to stay you can always crash in my guest bedroom or in my bedroom. Which ever makes you more comfortable." He smiled as he looked at me. I smiled and looked at him "That's very kind hearted of you Mr. Styles. I accept your invitation. I'm glad now that I didn't marry him, his cheating on me truly showed me he didn't love me enough truly to deserve my hand in marriage. He wasn't the one. I see that now." I said as I sighed and walked with him. "It's a beautiful night out tonight, not as beautiful as you are." He said as he slapped his forehead. "It's okay. Thank you." I said as I smiled. "May I take your bag?" He asked me as he pushed a number on his phone and a limo drove down to pick us up. "Is this your limo?" She asked curiously. "I figured we could take it to my house instead of walking 50 blocks." He said as I got into the limo and took off the necklace Niall gave me and put it back in its case. "I'm going to sell this damn thing, I don't want it, it will just remind me of the pain.." I said as I buckled my seatbelt and Mr. Styles put his arm around my shoulder. "Mr. Styles?" I asked. He chuckled, "Mr. Styles is my father, call me Harry." He said as he smiled. "Okay Harry. Why do you and Mr. Horan hate each other so much?" I asked him with a serious expression. "I honestly don't know." I answered back. "Be careful when we get to the door I have two very protective guard dogs." He said as the limo stopped and we got out. "Woah, you live here by yourself?" I asked him. We got to the door as two figures ran towards it barking with small pitchy barks. "Shh you two! It's only daddy!" He said as he unlocked the door and we walked in as I noticed two palmeranians sitting beside each other, both their heads cocked to the side in curiosity. "They're very scary, like a box of kittens." I giggled. "You say that now, you wouldn't be saying that if you were a robber." He chuckled as he took off his jacket and set it on the counter, he unbuttoned his shirt all the way and I could see his tone abs and my eyes wouldn't get off the beautiful butterfly tattoo, that was until one of the dogs jumped on my leg and licked my hand. "Who's a good girl!" I said as I picked the dog up and it kissed my face. "That's a girl her name is Muffin and Her sister is Cinnamon. My two little angels." He said as he patted them both and I put muffin down, as Harry took my hand and led me down the hallway, paintings on each side of the walls. He opened a door and turned on the light as someone was sleeping in the bed. "Louis wake up you lazy bloke!" Harry growled playfully as Louis sat up. "Blood 'Ell Harry! You brought your first girl home, how wonderful!" He cried still half asleep. "Louis.. This is Katie, Katie this is Louis, my Brother, you'll meet my other two brothers in the morning. You're going to love Zayn And Liam! I just know it!" He cried happily in a whisper. "Let me go back to sleep.. Please! And shut the bloody damn door!" Louis cried. "Sorry wrong room." Harry said as he turned off the light and shut the door. "It must be the next one over." He said as he held my hand and walked me to the next door. "Let's see what's behind door #2 shall we?" He asked with a wink, he opened the door and turned on the light, inside the room was a bed with purple walls and a king sized bed with a full sized closet, a flat screen tv, a full bathroom, and a balcony. "This is my room, yours is across the hall, dummy me." He chuckled as he went to the door across the way and turned on the light, in the room was a king sized bed with a pink sheet canopy, a full sized walk in closet, a full bathroom and the walls were colored pink with hearts on them. "So would you like to sleep in here tonight my love? Or would you want to sleep next to me I swear I won't try anything. I'll give you your space, unless you want to cuddle we can do that." He said as he smiled. "Umm.. This is Fine." I said as I put my pink tank top on and pair of night shorts and climbed into bed. "Goodnight my sweet butterfly." He said as he blew me a kiss and winked. "Goodnight Harry." I said as I blushed happily. I fell asleep quickly and before I knew it, night had turn to day and the morning was bright and sunny. I woke up to face staring at mine and I screamed.


I heard her scream I woke up startled as I grabbed my gun and ran to her room, I walked into the room as she was holding up a tennis racket in fear. "Who the hell are you and why are you in my bed!" She cried freaked out. I sighed and put the gun away. "This is Liam my brother. Liam, this is Katie our new house guest." I said as she put the bat down. "Hello beautiful, I'm Liam but you can call me Daddy Payne." He said as he kissed her hand. "Okay Liam, don't overstep your boundaries, her boyfriend just cheated on her." I growled. "Who is he? I'll beat him up for you! I'd do anything for you. " Liam sighed happily. "It's Niall and no you may not beat him up." I growled as my face went red. "And I'm Zayn." Zayn said as he winked. "Oh my. Hello there. I'm Katie. I have a feeling your brothers want to take turns plowing me.." She said nervously as she hid behind me. "I won't let that happen, unless you give your permission." I growled looking at the two of them. "I just want to make her my queen and give her the world." Zayn said as he smiled. "She's my queen! I saw her first! So Finders keepers!" Liam whined angrily. "Enough you two! Katie is our guest, not a bachelorette. Behave you two!" I growled as I exited the room and they rolled their eyes and sighed. "Yes Sir." They both whined. "You're both very sweet guys, I just need some time to forget about him." She said as she looked down. "When you do, give me a shout and I'll be waiting for you." Liam said. "She will choose me!" Zayn growled. "No she'll choose me!" Liam growled. They began fighting as she shouted my name and I had to physically separate the two of them apart. "I leave for two minutes and here you are trying to kill each other.. Leave her alone." I growled as I grabbed them both by the ear and pulled them out of the room. I walked into the room and shut the door. "I'm sorry about them, they've never had a girl stay here before so this is exciting for them." I explained. "I just wasn't expecting to waking up with someone's face in mine." She laughed as I chuckled. "Im happy to see you smile. Your clothes are in the closet. Feel free to shower and get dressed. Don't worry I'll guard the bathroom door so my brothers don't sneak in." I said as she looked at me. She didn't say anything she grabbed a towel and some clothes and headed into the bathroom. She shut the door and I heard the shower turn on, I heard the shower door shut and I sighed in relief. She was safe and happy that's all I wanted for her. She's all I've ever wanted and I'm never going to let her go. She's my world.

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