Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

As Callie’s eyes drifted open, she could feel that something wasn’t right. Her mate, Leo was still sleeping soundlessly beside her but as she looked over at the crib across the room she noticed that the room was quiet, too quiet.

Callie tiredly got out of bed and walked to the crib across the room. She looked down expecting to see the face of her beautiful baby girl, but instead saw nothing. All that was in the crib was a blanket and a few stuffed toys. It took Callie a moment to try and piece together where her baby girl may be but being the mother she was, she immediately pictured the worst-case scenario.

 She walked back to the bed suddenly much more awake. She went around to her mate’s side and started shaking him.

 “Leo,” she said when he started to stir. 

“What?” He groaned. “I woke up with her last time. It’s your turn.”

“Leo, she’s not there.” Callie said strongly. That seemed to wake Leo up. He sat up so quickly, Callie jump with a start.

“What do you mean she’s not there? In her crib?” Leo stood up and went to check for himself. Sure enough there was no baby. “Hmm. Maybe Emmaline just took her out for a stroll, it wouldn’t be the first time."

“Usually she leaves a note though and I see nothing.” Callie looked around for a piece of paper but none was in sight.

“Let’s find Emmaline, okay? I bet you she will have her.” Leo tried to reassure Callie but he could feel how worried she was. Leo was worried too, but he didn’t want to stress out Callie so he hid it. He was good at hiding his feelings; he had lots of practice.


In the hallways, Leo and Callie ran into Callie’s mother. She was walking around drinking her morning tea on her way to check on her granddaughter when she spotted them.

“Good morning sweetie,” she said pulling Callie into a warm embrace. When Callie didn’t return the hug, her mother noticed the stiffness in the air. “What’s wrong honey?”

“Have you seen her?” Callie asked. “Have you seen my baby?”

Leo found it almost painful to have to call their child “her” or “baby” but they hadn’t decided a name yet. It was an ongoing feud between the couple for the past week and it seemed to be going nowhere. Leo never realised how picky he was when it came to naming their child. But he needed his little girl to have the perfect name and the perfect name was hard to find. Leo knew that they would have to come to a decision sooner rather than later.

“No, I haven’t seen her.” Callie’s mother replied. “Maybe Emmaline will have her.”

“That’s what we were thinking. Do you know where she might be?” Leo butted in.

Callie’s mother turned to him with a smile, “She might be in the garden. If not I think she may be in the library.”

“Thank you.” Leo nodded.

“Keep me posted.” She stated as she continued on her way. Although she was slightly worried, she didn’t want that to show to the couple and cause them more stress. So she continued on her way as if it were a normal day.

“Will do!” Callie yelled after her mom. “Come on lets check the garden.”


The garden was the most beautiful and calming place in all of the castles grounds. It had rows and rows of trees and colourful flowerbeds that seemed to journey on forever. This was where Emmaline would go when she needed to think and this is where Callie and Leo found her.

“Callie, Leo, good morning to you both. It’s a lovely day isn’t it?” Emmaline exclaimed when she saw the two approach her.

“Indeed it is. But that is not why we are out here.” Leo started. “Have you seen the baby?”

Emmaline’s eyebrows knotted in worry. “I haven’t seen her since last night? Was she not in your room?”

“No. We thought you might have taken her out for a walk but obviously that is not the case.”

Emmaline turned to Callie, “Your mother might have her. She is always talking about spending more time with her granddaughter.” 

Callie gave her a grim look, “we ran into her on our way to you. She hadn’t seen her either.”

Emmaline thought some more. “What about Devin and Than?”

“They left town yesterday and we haven’t been able to contact them since.” Callie reminded Emmaline.

 Callie was sad that two of her best friends had left her. When they first told her that they were leaving the castle, Callie had thought they were joking and started laughing. Devin immediately knocked some sense into her and explained that they wanted to explore the world before settling down permanently. Although that was their official reason, Callie couldn’t help but feel guilty. Devin and Than had always wanted to start a family. But Devin couldn’t have children and being around Callie and Leo’s new baby must have been hard on her. Callie knew that as their Queen she could force them to stay but she also knew that it was not the right thing to do. So as painful as it was for her, she let them go.

 “How would you two feel about calling a search for her?” Leo said suddenly. “With what is being said about her being the Ivory Paw she might be in danger. We need to find her.”

 “Call the search,” Emmaline said. “You know how desperate people can get when the legend of the Ivory Paw is related. Call the search and tell them not to stop looking until they find her.”

 Leo nodded and heard a soft sob escape his mate’s lips. He pulled her into a tight embrace and whispered, “Everything will be alright. I promise.”


The Ivory Paw.

 It is said that a wolf born with a paw of ivory will be the death of the werewolf race. This wolf will be the cause of many wars between the supernatural and will take away the peace within each being.

 This wolf will grow up knowing not of its destiny until the clock strikes twelve and disaster hits. By then, it will be too late and the world as it is known, will be no more.

 With the extinction of the werewolf race comes unbalance. With unbalance comes the destruction of all supernatural life.

Unless . . .

Unless he with the Ivory Paw is destroyed. The Ivory Paw is immortal and cannot be killed using conventional methods. To kill the Ivory Paw, he must be sacrificed. Once he is, the world will be saved.


Or will it?





-Chapter one of the sequel. Let me know what you think!

-I’m looking for a cover so please give it a try. (If I don’t use yours I will post it with a chapter)

-Thank you for sticking with me all this time!

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