SuperWhoLockian Probems

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1. You never exactly know how to describe Doctor Who without making it sound really bad and cheesy.

2. Not Having a social life because you stay in all day watching your shows on Netflix

3. You lick things when you don't know what they are.

4. Ending compliments with the phrase "for a human..."

5. Anyone that wears a bowtie is automatically cool.

6. Crying uncontrollably whenever you hear the word pond.

7. Not being able to read or say sweetie in a normal voice.

8. You lose all respect for people who refer to the Doctor as Doctor Who.

9. Being very, very afraid of cracks you see.

10.  Being more concerned about John's mustache, rather than about how Sherlock survived.


Hey guys! I know these mostly applied to the Whovian fandom but I promise, there will be more Sherlockian and Supernatural problems. I promise!


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2014 ⏰

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