chapter 1

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Your pov😆

Crap thats my alarm for school i gotta get up i rolled out of bed. I ran into the bathroom and brushed my teeth.I ran into the other room and got changed because i was late.when i got to school it was already breaktime "fuck" i said to my self i was running in the halls of my school and then i ran into the big bully of all.hes name was sebastian some people called him buster.he looked at me and smiled and then he kicked me "stupid bitch watch where ur going" he said still staring at me.iv only just started school and im being bullied i was late for class now when i was walking down the hall there was a turn so i turned really fast and crashed into a person.oh great there gonna kill me "im sorry didnt see you there" he said he offerd his hand and i grabed his hand and he pulled me up "i wasnt watching were i was going" i said he looked away and back at me."oh ur that new girl noce to meet u" he said with a cute smile "hi my names y/n" i said "hi y/n i am the hansome ryan higa" he said pretending hes a super hero "nice to meet you" i said one more time i was gonna walk of when he stopped me "do u wanna come with me" he said with a smile "no thanks im late for class" i said sad i was gonna walk of when he grabed me again "just follow me ill take u to my house" i just accepted and i went with him. He lead me to his car and jumped in. He jumped in the driver seat.

20 mins passes 😉

He showed me in hes house soon it got dark "im gonna go home now ok" i said and it was raining out side "no stay here for the night please" why was he so desparate i guess "ok i guess" he lead me to his room "mmmm why in here this is your room" i said looking at him he was really tall "listen u can sleep in here im gonna sleep down stairs plus all the foods down there so i can eat loads" he smiled at me "ahahahahah thats cute" i covered my mouth when i said that "no your cute ahahah" awww he left i brushed my teeth and hoped in bed goodnight every one

Bye everyone😘

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