chapter 3

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"Well what happened was that i was fightimg this bully and then he punched me back blah blah and then u collapsed and everyone looked at u and then a light a little tiny light went into u and then they rushed u to hospital and then boom we are here now" he said smiling. how could he be smiling he has a lump under hes eye i sat up only to be hurt with more pain. When he saw me in pain he stopped smiling " are u ok" he said standing up. I started laughing at him "alright she will be out of hospital in 10 mins" the nurse said smiling and i smiled back.

10 mins later (lolz)

I was finally out im free

Ryan pov

When we got out of hospital y/n was so happy.she was spinning in circles.she lied down on the snowy grass. (sorry im late but i hoped u all had what u wanted this christmas and its snowing in this back to the story)

The snow was hitting her beautiful face. Yes i have a crush on her but u know u wouldnt tell enyone till the last moment. I went over to where she was smiling and giggeling and i lied down next to her. She turned towards me and said "i wonder what the little ball of light was.what went into my body" she said looking to me "probably some super powers" i said to her with a smile. "Probebly" she mumbled under her breath.

The one and only y/n's pov

The next day i went to school.i walked round the school and i bumped into that stupid bully "oh look whos back from the dead" he said laughing "just leave me alone " i said really annoyed because he was following me throught the whole school "ahahahah look whos back" random people said "LEAVE ME ALONE" i put my hand up about to hit the bully but instead he went flying into the wall at the end of the corridor.ryan was watching aswell. Im a monster

Ryans pov

I was with my men friends and we walked around the whole school i was looking for y/n to see if she was alright.we just about turned the corner to see the bully be thrown into the wall by.....what the y/n. She saw me and she had tears in her eyes and she ran the opposite direction and i chased after her

An:ok i know it not muvh but tmz ill make a longer one love u guys

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