chapter three: unMASKED

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"Lauren?" A known face turned around. Lauren started looking at me up an down, scanning me with a frown in her face, it almost looked like she was annoyed.

"And you are..." My hear skipped.

"C'mon Lauren its not funny" I seriously stated.

"Do i even know you?" I froze.

She cant be serious, but i cant keep pushing her because i know how this works, she makes herself look superior and all of her friends laugh at me, and i couldn't afford that. I gathered all the strength i could to move, but i was stuck on the floor, my feet didn't respond to my brains orders. It was like my heart was the one in charge and my heart wanted to keep talking to her, but i knew that would be the death of me. I'm not the sensible type, but i was pretty heartbroken. All i wanted to do is cry, but i couldn't look fragile at her eyes. I may be full of crap, but how we connected, i've never felt it before. And the way she looked at me, the way she treated me. As i remembered all of it my eyes started getting watery, and just before i broke i felt a hand grabbing mine and pulling me into the class.

"Can we go to the bathroom? Before class starts, Im not feeling well" i looked at camila with a tear running down my face.

Camila grabbed my arm making me move, leading our way to the bathroom. At the moment we entered, I sat down at a corner of the bathroom and started to cry. I could feel Camila staring until she sat next to me and wrapped her arm around my neck, making me rest my head in her shoulder. She didn't ask nor say anything. But her silence filled the entire room with warmth and confort. I knew then, i had found my best friend.

The moment Camila noticed i calmed down, she looked at me and then asked:

"Are you ok?"

Suck a simple question, with such a complicated and variated answered.

"Im okey" I replied dryly, not looking at her in the eyes.

"You can talk to me, you know?" Her eyes had a glimpse of sadness in them, i could tell she didn't enjoy looking at me like this.

"Yes, i know, thank you for that" I then kissed her cheek causing her to blush. I didn't want her to get more sad, so i stood up and helped Camila do so. We missed the complete period so i decided to go home, but Camila insisted that she wanted to go to the library. I had to comply to her wishes as she had sticked to my side all day.

When we arrived to the school's library i could see three, maybe four students there. I wasn't a fan of reading myself so i just started wondering through the library. I turned right and saw a girl who was reading a book called "unmasked" and immediately recognized who that girl was. I quickly turned around but i accidentally hit a book, making it fall, causing Lauren to look at me.

"Y/N" I heard a voice from behind call.

Don't turn, don't turn, don't turn. I kept repeating that to myself. But i did anyways. When i was fully facing Lauren, she smiled at me.

"Excuse me, who are you?" I hastily said.

"Well, its you loss then" I clenched my fists at the sound of those words coming out of her mouth. I wanted to hit her right there, but instead i walked pass her.

I made my way to Camila because i wanted to leave. When i did find her, she looked so tender. She was reading a book called "The book thief" and i couldn't bring myself to tell her i wanted to go so i sat in front of her and just stared at her, admiring how glad and sweet she looked.

"You can try and read something you know?" Camila raised her eyes, looking away from her book.

"I know but im just too lazy for that and i get bored" I whispered since a guy who was reading shooshed at us.

She returned to her reading, and all i could wonder was one thing. Some minutes passed before i decided to open my mouth.

"Camila?" I asked with an insecure tone.

"Yes?" She stopped reading as she noticed i wanted to touch a delicate subject and sat next to me.

"Why were you bullied?" I looked her in the eyes, noticing that fear and saddens took over her face.

"Well... as you know freshman year in high school was a total nightmare" Her eyes started to get cristal. "When i entered, making friends was uhm...difficult" She paused. "So this guy who seemed very nice and polite started talking to me. He made me feel important, he always flirted with me and stuff so one day we were texting and he told me to send, uhm, you know..." She looked down. "Nudes. At first i didn't want to and i told him that but he insisted and told me that if i didn't, he would stop talking to me and tell everyone that i had slept with him, and the point is, this guy had a girlfriend, and she was one of the popular girls. And i thought who would believe me? we spent a lot of time together and stuff, so i sent... that to him" I placed my hand on hers, looking at her eyes, the ones where a tear appeared.

"And he sent them to everyone" I cat her off.

She quickly nodded and started sobbing.

"You are entitled to judge me. I would too. Im such a disgusting person honestly" Her voice cracked.

"No. No, camila. Don't say that. Its your body, i don't understand why nudes are a bad thing. Society might not understand that, but i do. Don't feel ashamed for that. And about that guy" I sighted. "He is a fucking bitch, he has no respect and will forever live with guilt. Fuck him really, he doesn't deserve you crying over him." I pulled in for a hug and rapped my arms around her neck.

"Thank you Y/N, i really needed that" Camila whispered in my ear.

"Wow you two are cute" I could hear a familiar voice say in a sarcastic tone.

Camila and i broke the hug to look at the girl who talked, even though i already knew who it was. Lauren.

"Wait, Camila?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2017 ⏰

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