Korilakkuma pt. 1

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DEDICATED TO grayishawt ;)

Korilakkuma. It's a bear. Except, it's a baby bear. It has "ko" in front of rilakkuma. Baby Rilakkuma. No one knows why it's white when the "adult" version is brown. (Hey I'm not trying to be racist ok).

Korilakkuma is smaller than Rilakkuma. It isn't as clever either. Korilakkuma's journey starts.... in a cave...

"It sso cold....." said KR (KoRilakkuma... I got lazy) while hugging his scarf.


"WHO THERE?!?" KR yells.
"It is I. Ze greatest of all Kumas. THE GREAT HOLY RILAKKUMA"

KR then gasps and quickly turns around to see a shining Kuma, so holy and greatful.

"You is ze greatest kuma??!"
"Yes indeed, follow me and me shall lead ze way to the kuma village" R says while floating out of the cave

Kr quickly stands up and runs after the great holy Kuma.

Kr then sees a human (cough grayishawt ) hugging the great holy Kuma. Kr then realizes that the great holy Kuma can communicate with humans.

"Oh hale de great holy Kuma!!!" Kr yells
"Kuma!!" The human yells "who is this?"
"Dis iz korilakkuma" Kuma says while turning around.

Kr is astonished. He didn't tell the GHK (great holy Kuma) his name, yet he knew!

Kr stands there blankly

The human then squeezes Kr and yells

grayishawt has an obsession with Kuma, or bears.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2016 ⏰

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