The big secret

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Austin's POV:

I don't know what Jessica meant by "Your so done and your little nice boy image is going to be so gone" . What was she talking about.

After she told me that she said she had to go to classes or something, so she just stormed out of my room.

I'm still worried about what she was talking about. She said that Bridget was home crying her eyes out. I'm so worried. The reason I left in the morning was because I had an early interview and I never thought that I would see her again.

I'm not at the stage in my career where it is ok or easy to have a girlfriend. I know that the mahomies would hate on her. And I go on tour all the time and I would hardly get to see her. But my night with Bridget was unforgettable. I will never forget her mostly because she was the girl I lost my virginity to.

Snapping me out of my thoughts came in Nicole(Daves girlfriend).

Nicole's POV:

After I saw that girl leave I was worried and mostly shocked. She looked like she was about to punch someone in the face. But I think I should go talk to Austin about it though.

I walked into Austin's room and he had a worried expression on his face. His face was red and he looked like he was about to faint.

"Are you ok, Austin?"

He just stayed silent and nodded his head. Now I knew that there was something wrong.

"Austin you can tak to me about anything. You know that right?"

"I don't even know what happened" he said with a sad expression on his face.

"What happened with what?" I asked getting more worried than I already was before.

"I went out to dinner with her and we had fun, I guess." he paused for a moment "Then we went back to her house and, and, and"

"And what Austin" I almost yelled at him.

"I lost my virginity to her Nicole and now I don't know what happened. Her friend just came in here yelling at me telling me that my career is over and that Bridget is home crying her eyes out."

"Why would she be crying her eyes out" I wondered.

"I don't know. This morning I left early from her house. I didn't say goodbye. I didn't even leave a note, I didn't think I would ever see her again. I can't have a girlfriend because of my busy schedule"

"Well Austin that girl must be hurt for some reason and I think you should go find out why. Austin, your a sweet boy and you have a sweet heart. Don't ever think otherwise."

I just can't believe what Austin did to that poor girl. She must be freaking out right now. One thing is, that if the mahomies found out about that girl named Bridget she would get hate for a lifetime.

I just hope that everything goes right with Austin and Bridget and that they can atleast be friends, Because it seems to me that Austin isn't ready to have a girlfriend and he doesn't want one either.

Austin's POV:

I had to go to an interview but after that I went to go see Bridget to see whats wrong with her.

After what Nicole told me I felt much better and now I know that I have to make things right with Bridget and Jessica before I leave to Miami.

I knocked on Bridget's door about three times before Jessica answered and let me in.

"Can I please to Bridget" 

"Yeah she's upstairs in her room. I'm sure you now where her room is right." Jessica spatt at me with an angry look on her face.

I walked up to Bridget's room and nocked on the door and she opened it. She looked so sad and her eyes were red. She was wearng sweat pants and a baggy shirt. But she still looked cute though.

After she saw who I was her eyes opened wide. She had hope in her eyes.

"Bridget are you ok" I was actualy worried about her and I wanted to know what was wrong. "Jessica came to my hotel room earlier and said some things to me so I wanted to know what was wrong with you. Sorry I couldn't come earlier but I was at an intervies."

"Austin, I have to tell you something."

I suddenly got really scared of what she was gonna tell me.

"Austin, I'm pregnant" She said and I was suddenly frozen and couldn't move. I counldn't believe the words that just came out of her mouth.

"Aren't you going to say anything to me?" she asked.

"You can't be. No. Bridget do you realize that I have a career and no, I can't do this right now"

I couldn't believe what I was saying to her. I was being such a jerk and that's not who I am. I have to fix this somehow.

"Bridget I'm so sorry I didn't mean it"

"No I understand eactly what You said and I actualy thought that you were different. Austin, I think you should go now" tears started rolling down her face and suddenly I felt tears coming down my face too.

"Bridget don't worry it's ok. I'm not going anywhere."

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