Chapter Six

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I'm so sorry I didn't update when I promised :(

Wattpad deleted half of my freaking chapter. -.-

Ugh. So pissed off.

And to top it all off, I'm sick. I feel like crap and I'm exhausted because I got ZERO sleep last night.

But I love you guys, so I completely rewrote that whole part.

Happy Readings <3


I stand in the midst of what I considered paradise and smell the object in my hand.

A book. I love the smell of new books.

I never even read the summary, I just smell the book and decide on whether I want it or not.

Hence all the horrible books I've chosen.

I really need a new book-choosing method.

I put the book I'm holding back on the shelf and proceed to scan all the the other titles, none of which catch my eye. I groan and move on to the next aisle which I discover is the nonfictions.

I think I threw up a little in my mouth.

I looked through so many books that I began to get a headache. I groan, rubbing my temples with my fingers.

"Can I help you?" A voice says, sounding extremely irritated.

I turn around and find myself face to face with almond-shaped, coffee brown eyes framed with large, thick glasses and filled with annoyance. She appears to be around my age but very short compared to my 5'9" figure, and is of Asian decent. She instantly plastered a sweet smile onto her face when she noticed me analyzing her sassiness and tugged at the long, dark brown fishtail braid resting over her shoulder. She seemed nice enough, I guess. Probably just having a bad day.

"I'm trying to find a good book to read. I have nothing to do and I've read all of the books I own at least a hundred times each," I explain.

She raises her eyebrow in amusement. "Hon, that's the reason everyone's here. But you're not sixty. You won't find what you're looking for in this row. These books are shit," she curses, and I gasp at the profanity that comes out of her mouth. I don't mind it when people cuss, but I had never expected it from such a sweet looking girl.

I mean, yeah, she's got a little bit of an attitude, but she was sweet, too.

I guess you can't judge a book by its cover.

Oh, the irony. See what I did there?


Tough crowd, sheesh.

She doesn't notice my surprise and scurries off to a different part of the store. "Follow me," she calls out in a sing-songy voice. I drag along behind her. "You like futuristic fiction? Like, rebellions against the government and all that Hunger Games type of shit?" Again with the curse word! I almost want to scold her and ask her where she learned that kind of vocabulary, but then I realized that she's not nine and calling her out for her word choice would make me a hypocrite.

"Yeah, I love that stuff," I say, emphasizing my non-curse word hoping she'll catch on and keep up her sweet appearances.

I don't know why I dislike it when she cusses. It's like watching a five year old flip someone off. Not a pleasant sight.

Her eyes light up and her mood instantly changes. "Perfect. You'll love this one," she says with a cheerful grin and I almost forget her previous sins. She pulls out a book titled Eve. (A/N: Eve is a real book and you have to check it out. It's the first book in the trilogy and it's AMAZING. I'm in love with it. Okay carry on) I hold the paperback in my hands and run my pointer finger along its smooth spine. "She's a beauty, ain't she?" She said with a cheeky grin. "You should get the whole trilogy. I swear, you'll love it. And if you don't, bring it all back and I will fucking pay you back double the cash."

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