Life Goes On

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Michael & I had to do a lot more sneaking around since he has full custody of Jayden. I even sneak into his work so we could release our desire for eachother.
"Shit." I said breathless laying on his office couch. "Man, this is such a rush sometimes. I love it." Michael grunt still sucking on my neck. I nodded agreeing. "I gotta get going though." I said. He groaned not wanting me to leave. "I gotta get Ari babe, then Jj." I said. "I know but we never get us time. I miss you." He said disappointed. "Me too. Maybe we should really start thinking about telling everyone." I said softly. He nodded, agreeing.

I got the kids then went to Michaels. He got home and the kids ran to him hugging him. I loved this feeling, I felt like a wife, a mother. Cooking dinner waiting for my husband to get home, then our beautiful kids tackling him with hugs. I love it. He approached me in the kitchen and made sure the kids weren't in the room and he snuck a quick kiss. "I love you." He whispered. "Love you too." I whispered back. "Daddy look what I made for you!" Jayden said excited. "What is it?" Michael said acting all excited. Jayden pulled a macaroni necklace from behind his back. "That's really pretty buddy but do you know who that would look really beautiful on?" He asked. "Dre!" Jayden said excited. "Here let's put it in her." Michael said picking Jayden up then helping him put the Necklace on me. "I love it Jj!" I said kissing his chubby cheek. "You got better at cooking Dre!" Jj laughed. "I know, I had to since I'm feeding two men & a 10 year old girl." I giggled. "Hey dad! Can I get a Facebook since I'm 10 now?!" Ari said excited. Michael gave her a stern look. "What did your parents say? " He asked knowing they told her no. "But daddy!" She whined. "Your parents said no & that's final. Me & your mom don't have a say unless your parents allow us but I agree with them. Your 10 you don't need a Facebook." He said. She crossed her arms. "How old were you & mom when you got yours?" She asked. "Your mom doesn't even have one & i was like 16." He said. " I use to have one." I said. "Fine...." She said mad. Michael pulled her to him, putting his arm around her. "Babygirl. The Internet is dangerous. There's a lot of creeps out there. We trust you but we don't trust other people. Your a beautiful young girl & you gotta be careful. You aren't to the age where you really know the dangers of the Internet." He told. "Yes dad. I know. " she said. He kissed her head, "go wash up for dinner." He said. They went upstairs & got ready for dinner. "You handled that well." I said. " You think so? " He asked putting his arms around me then gripping my butt. " have I ever told you how nice of an ass you have?" He grinned. I just blushed. He let go of me as the kids came down. We had a nice dinner then with Liz & Shawns permission I let Ari help me reactivate my old Facebook that was just filled of pictures & videos of her & michael 9 years ago. "Dad come here!" Ari hollered. "What babygirl?" "Look at these pictures & stuff!" she said excited. We hooked the laptop up to the big flat screen TV so we all watched the old videos of Ari and us.
"Ari, look at daddy!" Michael said in the video as Ari was covered in baby food. She just smiled clapping her hands. "Dadada!" She hollered. Then we played a video from michaels graduation that Katherine took. Michael was holding Ari as he then kissed me in the video. "Ew! daddy you kissed Dre!" Jayden said covering his eyes. "Oh hush." Michael laughed. "We should watch some video of Jayden when he was little." I suggested. We spent the night watching videos of the kids when they were little.

Everyone was in bed & i got up for a midnight snack. Soon I heard someone walking downstairs & it was michael. "Hey." I said. "Hey yourself. " He said approaching me, wrapping his arms around me. "Those videos really brought back some memories." He said resting his forehead on mine. "Yeah, same." I smiled. "Surprise your smiling." He commented. "We had some amazing moments." I smiled. He kissed me passionately. I held his face as we made out in the middle of the kitchen. His hands held my side, as I couldn't stop kissing him , that was till.... "Whats going on?" A voice interrupted. Michael & I jumped away from eachother. "Sweetie, what are you doing up?" I asked hoping she didn't see anything. "I saw you guys." She said crossing her arms. "Let's just tell her." Michael said. I nodded. "Why were you guys kissing." She asked. We walked to the couch sitting Ari down. "We have something to tell you babygirl. " Michael said. "Obviously." She said. "Daddy & i have been seeing eachother again." I told her. "So you guys are dating? " She asked confused. We nodded. "Why? You guys hated eachother last year?" She asked. "Well we got over that and we just fell in love again. We didn't mean for it to happen sweetie. It just did." I said. "I don't want you guys to end up like last time though." She said worried. "We won't sweetie." Michael said. "How do you know? What if you hurt my mom again!" She asked freaking out. "Babygirl. I am not going to do that. We were kids trying to raise a kid. I really love your mom and we've gave eachother time to figure out if this is what we want and it is. We know it's more than just us involved in this and that's why we haven't told anyone cause we were working on us." He said hugging her. "So you guys really love eachother?" She asked. We nodded, smiling. "But we need to keep this between us for right now. Only you and Erin know." I said. "Why?" She asked. "Because Uncle Josh isn't going to like that I'm with your daddy again. So we are trying to find the right time to tell him..." I said. "Well I'm happy you guys are together. I just don't want you guys to get hurt." She said. I kissed her cheek, "Daddy and I are gonna still argue and stuff like that. That's just apart of life but we love eachother and love you & Jayden so much." I said. "I know." She smiled. We sat there, just enjoying this moment. We had our babygirl back & our family was so much stronger. "I feel like things will be okay." Ari said smiling at me and Michael. "Me too." michael smiled.

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