Chapter 2

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When they got the harbor they spotted Luna and Blake who were searching the crowds for them.

"Lexie!" Luna yelled and ran over to hug her.

Alexis smiled at Luna and then punched Blake on his shoulder as he wriggled his eyebrows at her and Hunter. "We need to talk" Alexis whispered to Blake, but before he could reply the speaker came on announcing everyone to get on board.

"So how long does this cruise go for?" Hunter asked, as he sat next to her. Luna and Blake sat on the 2 seats across from them

"Around 2 hours" Luna answered for her as she looked up from the brochure that was about the Resort. The Resort had been on Luna and Alexis' mind since they were in Primary School, the Resort was a very exclusive place, that to go there you either had to be very rich, a celebrity, or win the tickets which were as rare as winning the lottery.

"Well we have a while" Hunter replied

"Also how did you get the tickets Luna? Hunter added

Luna just grinned and said "I honestly don't know, the tickets came in the post with a note saying from your benefactor. I didn't win them but I knew you guys would probably not want to go if you knew some random person gave me tickets."

Everyone was silent for a minute then Hunter laughed and said "Oh well we got tickets to an exclusive resort, so let's think optimistic."

Alexis grinned at Hunter then rested her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes; she could only hear the beat of his heart as she drifted off to sleep.

Alexis was woken up from her sleep with a jolt, she looked up and saw Hunter grinning cheekily at her. "Come on Alexis we are here" he said with a smile. Alexis looked out the window of the cruise and saw the resort, it was like a tropical paradise the sun was shining and the place was bright and sunny.
"It's just like I dreamed it would be" Alexis gasped her eyes shining with happiness. "This is perfect."

After they hopped off the boat they were given a mini golf cart to drive around the island in.

"This is cool!" Luna squealed as jumped into the back seat "I am so excited, this will be a great way to spend our summer holidays."

Alexis grinned but it quickly disappeared.

"What's wrong?" Hunter asked a worried look on his face.

"Oh no, no, no" Alexis said her hands in her hair.

"Hey, hey calm down take a deep breath and tell me what's wrong" Hunter explained as he kissed her knuckles.

Alexis breathed and then stared at Hunter "I forgot to tell Aunt Cleo where I was going."

Hunter looked at her and then laughed, "She's gonna' think you've run away" he said then cracked up laughing again.

Blake and Luna who had been watching the whole conversation quietly started laughing to.

"Oh ha, ha, ha you guys it's so funny I'll just text her later, hopefully she doesn't worry too much."

Alexis' parents died when she was very young in a severe car accident, another car had hit her parent's car which caused them to spin and hit a truck which left them dead. She didn't know who was in the other car because they drove off and later dumped the wrecked car 10 km away from where she lived. The police had looked everywhere but never found the people, it had been in the news for ages but eventually everyone gave up trying to find the people and the news died down. So now Alexis lived with her single, yet very sensible Aunt Cleo.

Alexis looked at the others and grinned "let'sgo find our rooms."    

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