Chapter 1

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Carly's POV

Jungkook wiped the sweat from his forehead and reached for his water bottle. He looked up and saw Jimin walking towards him. "Nice work, Jungkookie," his hyung smiled as he sat down next to him. "Thanks," Jungkook was tired but satisfied after their dance practice. He had been working on his moves all week and had finally perfected the routine.

I stopped typing and re-read my paragraph. Maybe I should change Jimin to Suga instead? Suga was the only member who called Jungkook "Jungkookie." Or I could just change it to "Jungkook" instead of "Jungkookie." I wonder why there aren't any any Suga X Jungkook fanfics. Suga has a special nickname for him and they would be cute together come to think of it. Maybe I'll write that instead of my Jikook or Vkook fanfic. What would their couple name be? Sugakook? Jungsuga? That doesn't really sound as good as Jikook or Vkook. Writing a fanfic about Jungkook and Suga would be original but at the same time I wouldn't get a lot of readers. I'd better stick to the my original ideas. I reread what I had so far for my chapter and realized my writing was getting too dry. I needed some inspiration. I scrolled through my playlist and put on "War of Hormones." I continued to type:

Jungkook felt himself blush a little at the compliment. Namjoon and V had already told him what a good job he was doing, but somehow hearing it come from Jimin was different. "You look tired," Jimin gently brushed a strand of Jungkook's hair from his face, "Have you been getting enough rest?"

I paused again, should I be jumping into their relationship this early in the story? I didn't want to give their romance away that quickly. Then again, I thought this was kind of cute. I decided that I'd keep this but save the more romantic parts for later. This was a good way to get my readers hooked and keep them wanting more.

"Yes, thank you for worrying about me hyung." Jungkook gave him a reassuring smile and held his hand.

No... not yet. I'd better change that last part.

Jungkook gave him a reassuring smile and laid his head on his shoulder.

Whoa.... that's even more romantic than before. Maybe "War of Hormones" wasn't the right song to be listening to while writing this. I opened my phone and changed the song to "Butterfly." I immediately felt relaxed after hearing Jungkook's soft voice sing the first verse. I deleted the last sentence and thought about a friendly response. What would I do if it was my crush? I wrote:

Jungkook secretly liked it when Jimin worried about him. He was more like a big brother than friend.

That last sentence friend zoned them way too much. I deleted that last part and wondered if I should keep the other sentence. That didn't necessarily have to be interpreted as romantic. I like it when my friends worry about me, it shows that they care. But then again I wouldn't want them to worry too much...

I sighed, writing fanfiction was a lot harder than I expected it to be. I read what I had so far and decided it was time to add more members. It didn't take me long to decide on including V first. Other than Jungkook, he is one of my bias and adding him in would complete the maknae line.

A tall figure came into view and as he came closer Jimin and Jungkook saw it was V. He ran his fingers through his brown hair-

I stopped typing as I realized I didn't decide what era I was writing the story in. BTS' earlier years with the "Boy in Luv" and "War of Hormones" was really cute and boyish. But their more recent songs and the new "Wings" album had a more mature and sexy appeal. I sighed and compared the two. I liked both but I didn't know what would be more enjoyable for my readers. The high school romance songs were really adorable but there are already too many fanfics about that. I wanted something more new, more original. And besides, the boys still looked like teenagers. It's as if they don't age, they just level up like Pokemon. That's a good idea! I'll write a Pokemon and BTS crossover after I'm done with this fanfic. Now THAT is original!
If this story takes place in the present, then V's hair would be blonde instead of brown.

He ran his fingers through his blonde hair and took a seat next to Jungkook.

Vkook or Jikook? Maybe a love triangle? I can't decide which ship to make cannon. Maybe Vkook because in that case I could have Yoonmin. I was satisfied with my decision and wrote the next part. 

"Nice work today, Kookie." V playfully messed up his hair and Jungkook started playing with him back. Jimin pretended not to notice but deep down it bothered him. HE was the only one allowed to call Jungkook "Kookie" or "Jungkookie" and he felt irrationally irritated when anyone else did it.

I giggled after writing that part and thought about how cute it was when guys got jealous. Oh Jimin, you got no jams.

"Hyungs," Namjoon called out, "Our break is over, we have to get back to work."  "Has it already been five minutes?" V asked, he felt like he barely had time to wipe the sweat off his face. "I guess so, don't worry we're almost done for today," Jungkook said as he stood up. V stretched out his arms and Jungkook took his hands and helped him up. Jimin pushed himself off the floor without any assistance and could not shake his feeling of jealousy. 

That seemed like a good place to end the chapter, Jimin's hidden feelings would hook my readers into the story for sure! I clicked the publish button and watched with excitement as the website uploaded it. I closed my computer satisfied and decided to check  tomorrow to see if I got any reads or comments, hopefully positive ones. I turned on my phone and I saw the time was 1:30 AM. It was still too early to go to bed, I reached for my computer and opened Netflix. I scrolled through the TV shows to find a drama to binge watch. As I was looking, I absentmindedly wondered what BTS dance practices were actually like.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2016 ⏰

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