Sol and Ethaera - The Wrath of Gods

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The greater part of slow going journey up to Tora's house was filled with talking. Or, rather Ethaera talking, and Sol nodding in agreement. Most of the conversations were of things that would generally only be of interest to her, yet every time Sol looked over at her and their eyes caught, he could see the sparkle in her eyes due to how excited she was to be talking to another person, or so she said.

"I can't believe that I'm actually seeing you again!!" She would often, yet randomly look at him and say. The more she talked, the more Sol realized that Ethaera was the definition of girl, from the way she walked to the things she talked about. Once while she was talking, she abruptly cut off and just stared at him before a look of pure happiness spread across her face. That could have meant anything coming from her, a thousand year old forest goddess. 

After what felt like ages of walking but was probably about 3 hours, Sol saw a light up on a hill that stuck out of the hill. Tora's house. Sol stumbled and tripped through the bramble as tried to maneuver through the impossibly dense underbrush. Ethaera on the other hand, had no trouble gliding through it as if were never there. After 5 minutes of just pain, Sol stumbled out into the clearing where the hill was. Looking down, he realized that he was covered in cuts and scrapes, and was bleeding a bit from his arms, despite wearing a cloak. 

"Here, let me help with that!" Ethaera noticed and walked over to Sol, placing a hand over the cuts. She said something under her breath, but it was so quite Sol wasn't entirely sure she had even said anything. As she removed her hands, the cuts were gone. Any trace of anything even being there was also gone. Magic.

"Thank you, my Goddess." Sol said, and Ethaera rolled her eyes and started walking away.

"Stop calling me that! You don't here me calling you 'my king' all the time do you?" She said, slightly irritated. She had already told him many times to just call her Ethaera, but he insists on calling her goddess.

"But you are! And besides-" Sol was cut off as she spun around and slapped him as hard as she could. Sol stumbled back and nearly fell down, claw marks across his cheek.

"Don't talk back to me! If I say I want you to call me by my true name, then you will do it. Understood." She said, the anger evident in her voice. 

Sol replied weekly, "Yes... I understand." He stood up and watched the anger fade and be replaced by pure happiness.

"Alright then come on!! We've got some work to do if you need to go all the way to Mystril!" Sol stood up and dusted himself off, wincing as he felt the gashes on his face.

"Oh... And for future reference, it would probably be in your best interest to not make a daughter of the Moon Goddess mad again, I could have done a lot worse." 

The Wrath of the Gods burn bright as a fire.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2016 ⏰

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