Part 1

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On stage, Tao performed in unison with the rest of EXO - in sync, with exact precision. It was their group style, it was the way their performances were executed. 

As their song ended, Tao got his breathing under better control and regained some of his energy - today's performance has been good. Lookign out onto the vast crowd in the stadium, the crowd cheered. It seemed the audience shared the same thought - todays performance had been awesome.  

As the lights go down, the audience becomes invisible. That's the queue to exit the stage as soon as possible.Instead, Tao stands there, still amazed every time by the chants and huge signs fans had brought with them. 

Tao is pulled backwards gently by a hand. "Tao, hurry, the lights are about to go up." Tao turns his head and catches a glimpse of Kris, standing directly behind him. 

Tao gives the crowd a fleeting look, knowing fine well they can't see him and follows Kris backstage just as he was expected. 

Entering backstage was a rush as the lights on stage went up and the MC's began introducing the next act. Tao knew now he had to get ready to get to the airport. Why did the schedule have to be so tight? Practise, performance, airport, practise, sleep, promoting, sleep. Tao needed a day off after working with his group for over a fortnight straight, but this is always what happened in the run up to the voting in the 'Asian Music Award'.

He could return home once they'd gone to the awards, and once he'd performed he could spend a nice amount of time off, preferably sleeping and shopping. 

Tao met up with the rest of EXO backstage in the dressing room, but everyone had too much to do; EXO-K were preparing for a second performance without EXO-M, and EXO-M were leaving immediatly to catch the last flight to Beijing. 

The baggage had been packed beforehand, so all Tao had to do was be ready and by the car for a cartain time. Chen came into Tao's view, along with Xiumin. "Did you see all those banners for Luhan?" they laughed. 

Tao couldn't say he wasnt jelous of the other members when they had fan-signs and not him. Tao found it funny, however, and laughed. "I saw." 

Chanyeol catches the conversation and pulls Luhan from his station over to the conversing group. "Every time. I personally don't see what's so great about him-" Chanyeol grabs Luhan's cheeks playfully. Luhan smacks his hands away. 

"Omo," Luhan grovels before scowling playfully and backing away again. 

Chen shoves Chanyeol. "Who's betting he won't talk to us for at least a few hours now?" 

Chayeol shrugs as their staff bustle around them, completely oblivious to their conversation. "You're leaving for China in a few hours, it's not like I have to deal with him," he jokes. Luhan wasn't angry, Luhan never got angry enough to be 'delt' with. 

Before anything could happen, their manager appears behind them. "Do you want to miss the plane?" That was enough of a signal to get going. Tao does as he's asked, keeping in mind his 'reward' for all his hard work - some time off and no concerts to perform. What once was his dream had become a drag, but he was living, and that was all he could ask for. 


Arriving in Beijing International was as it was expected - crowded. Tao sighed and hoped no one this time would get hurt, but he did agree with how the Chinese fans were a little milder than the Korean fans. 

Going through to the baggage claim area wasn't any easier - fans lined the steps they took, each member standing closer together and their managers arriving with them weren't far out of sight. 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2014 ⏰

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