Chapter 1

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Phil's pov:
"Well that's it for today's video! Please go subscribe to my buddy Dan Howell by clicking on his face, and Y/N's channel by clicking on her beautiful face."

"Don't forget to subscribe to Phil too! Just click on that red button."

"And don't forget to give this video a thumbs up, cause if we get a thumbs down then you are very, very, disappointing."


"Fine fine, but still."


We have just finished one of our recent videos PINOF12, where my girlfriend, Y/N was in it! We have been dating for a couple of months, and Dan is my helpful third wheeler. He says he feels like he's his sister, which I hope is a good thing. "So now what" Y/N asks us. "We could go to the store" Dan says "I need to buy some things, and we also need groceries."
"Good idea" I say. We all get the cat whiskers off our faces first, then we get ready to head to the store.

Dan's pov:
We head to the car and get inside. "Man it's chilly outside" Y/N says shivering. "I'll put the heat up" I say turning on the car. Phil hugs her to keep her warm. She's not used to this weather since she's from California. We start to drive to the store and we just sat in total silence. "Sooo" Phil says. "Soo" Y/N says. "Anything new" I say. "Well I mean, not really for now" Y/N says, how about you?"
"No, just still living a life" I chuckle. We arrive at the store and we all went our ways. "I'll call you when I'm done" I say. "Sounds like a plan" Phil says. Then we go walk around and get some random stuff.

Y/N pov:
I'm walking around the store with Phil, and we decided to get me some more warm things for the season. I just moved from California about a month ago, and I still don't have lots of coats, only rainy coats. We get to the woman section with all the winter things. Phil then spots an adorable jacket. "How about this one love" he asks me. "I love it" I say. I try it on and look at the mirror. "You look adorable" he says giving me kisses. "Oh Phil" I say blushing. I take off the jacket, and we head to pay for it.

(Time skip brought to you by 1D cause I'm listening to them)

We arrive back home and head inside. "Anyone want a hot coco or anything" I ask putting the groceries down. "I'll have one" Phil says. "Make that two" Dan yells from another room. I'm guessing he was heading to the bathroom cause he kept complaining he needed to shower. I start to make some hot chocolate for everyone. While they were in the microwave, I sat down at the couch. "What about the coco" Phil asks. "It's in the, microwave" I say mimicking Dan. We both laugh. "Ah, I love when you do that when he's not around" he says. "Me too" I giggle. We both hear the beeper go off. "I'll get it" Phil says. He gets up and heads to the microwave. What a kind gentlemen. Hours have passed, and we are all drinking our hot chocolate, while watching "The Polar Express".  "This is the best day ever" Phil says kissing my nose. "I'm glad I got to enjoy it with you" I say smiling. "Alright love birds" Dan says "I'm heading to bed."
"Night Dan" we both say. "Night guys" he says leaving the room. It was just us two, then we both passed out on the couch together.
Hello! I hope you enjoyed this chapter of the book! I personally like it. Anyways, I hope you all have a great day today!
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