The Stalkers

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"Hey Z! Come look at this"

Z walked over and stared blankly at the car in the middle of an abandoned park. It was covered in red hand prints and the front right window had a crack in it, the left windshield had been broken off and was smashed on the ground and the front bumper was extremely dented and very precarious.

Z gasped as he saw the car and stared inside, "What do you think it is?" asked Pi, Z's friend from school, "It's an abandoned car and look to have been attacked by a Stalker" he peered inside thinking it was abandoned when suddenly a blooded and gory face lunged at the window and started scratching at the window with its sharp fingernails. Z jumped back and started laughing as he watched the Stalker desperately claw at the window.

"Ann! Come over here!" He shouted as a short girl with dark brown hair covering half of her face came running over. She smiled, showing her blue braces and the light from the street lamp reflected of her thick glasses. As she wiped her hand on her denim dungarees, she stepped on a puddle with her big black boots.

Ann screamed as she saw the zombie like creature trying to get out. "Calm down Ann!" Shouted Z and Ann stopped screaming, looking fascinated at the incredible creature. "It can't get out, we are safe" said Z with a calm tone in his voice. The window suddenly smashed and a hand lunged out and grabbed the collar of Pi's pink polo-shirt and quickly pulled him closer to the window, ready to bite his vulnerable neck.

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