Introduction - Ruby P.O.V.

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                We're in the middle of 7th grade so fare the best year of our life's. To start off the story lets introduce everyone and possibly explain the crushes. Amber is one of my good friends we have been friends well only since 6th grade but still we are best friends. Her hair is about shoulder length brown with the end dyed bright blue. Her crush is Theo he is in eighth grade with brown hair and blue eyes like Amber. She has to sit across from him every day twice a day on the bus. She has had a few conversations but Kendyl and I and planning to help her lift up her courage. On to Kendyl another one of my great friends. She is not so tall with straight wavy short hair with her end died like Amber except her ends are dyed all colors. Blue, purple,some green, hints of yellow, and reddish pink. It is gorgeous. She has a crush on Dan or Daniel also in eighth grade like Theo. Dan is not to tall but tall he has brown hair and is in band. Kendyl is also in band so she is friends and messes with Dan but she wants to be more than that. And I guess it's my turn well I am Ruby I have long red wavy hair and green eyes. My crush is Ross he is in eighth grade like all of our crushes. But just to be clear I don't have a chance with him because from 8th -5th grade there is a hand full in those grades that like him..So I know I will never have a chance like ever and I have come to except that and move on.

Authors note: I hope u enjoy and I don't know how frequently I will be posting so just be patient if u like it

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