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chapter one : Introduction

Hi my name is Eden Banks and my best friends name is Katie Cyrus. No she is not kin to Miley Cyrus. Anyway Katie has long gorgeous red hair and I have golden blonde hair that comes to my waist. We both have the same eye color and the same fashion style. We have been friends since like the 1st grade.

My parents got a divorce when I was 14. They always argued so I wasn't really surprised when they sat me and my brother Titan, who is 3, down at the breakfast table and told us the terrible news. Well I hope you enjoy my story.

chapter two : Big mistake

I slammed my fist down on the breakfast table. "Eden Banks"! My mother shouted out. "Get your hands off the table". I rolled my eyes at my mothers request. "Why are you doing this and please do not say its for the best'. She ignores my little out burst and picks up the plates and starts to wash them. "Mom please answer me". She turned around with tears in her eyes. "Your father and I have decided that it is for the best now go to school We don't want you to be late and cant you see your upsetting your brother".  I look over at titan who is laid over in his high chair snoring his head off. "oh yea he sure does look upset". I got up from the chair knocking it over.

I slung my backpack over my shoulder and was almost out the door when my father touched my shoulder. "Eden'/ "Yea dad". I turned around to face my father . My fathers hair was dark black unlike my mothers whose was gorgeous blonde.

"Please cut your mom and me some slack we have been through a lot and we think its best"..... "For the kids", I finished his sentence for him. "Exactly so now do you understand"? I brush his hands off my shoulder. "I'm going to be late for first block". I shut the door behind me as I stepped out into the sunny morning air. I spotted Katie's red mustang pulling around the curb. I quickly got in and buckled up.

"you look happy lovely". I laid my head on the window. "Let me guess they finally broke the news "It's best for the kids". I laughed as Katie quoted my dad. "You know me so well"! I sat up rubbing my head.

"I just cant believe them why would they get a divorce? why cant they just work this thing out"? I was so frustrated. "I completely understand where you'll are both coming from. my parents got a divorce because like your parents they were not happy living together or doing any thing together and I get where your coming from I was mad to". I looked at Katie. All the time she was speaking her eyes was focused on the road ahead. "Stop looking at me". She yelled as we pulled into the school parking lot just as the first block bell rung.

"Maybe if grandma Cyrus over there wasn't driving 5 miles an hour we would be sitting in class now". She smiled and laughed. "That's me alright,. come on its a school zone".

We laughed as we got out of her car. She locked the car doors and threw her pocketbook over he shoulder. "what's so funny"? I dint even have to turn around to match that voice, but I did anyway. There stood my big brother Joshua known as Katie's boy friend, SO GROSS!.

Hey little red riding hood", He gave Katie a kiss on the head and then pulled me in for a hug. "Come here Goldie locks". I smiled. I know Joshua has my back here.

"So really what's so funny"? I smiled. "Well Josh you have a  grandma for a girl and now we are late for first block". "who's your teacher"? "Anderson". "Ouch I heard he is tough when some one is late get ready to clean". Katie starred down at her new fingernails. "I just done these this morning, this school is so unfair"! He held her tight as the 2nd bell rung. "Got to go my little red riding hood, bye Goldie locks". We waved and said our goodbyes as we walked into the school.

5 hours later.

All the classes flew by. Turns out Anderson was out and the sub was to busy yelling to notice me and Katie sneaking in to our back seats.

"That quiz was so hard"! Katie screamed at me when we found each other in the hall. "Well you should have studied I did". She rolled her eyes. "Do you ever break the rules"? I laugh. "Nope". "Eden"! I turned around to find Alex my boyfriend running toward me. He picked me up and gave me a kiss on the head. "Hey I've been looking every where for you"? "Sorry We were late this morning". I eyed Katie. He nodded his head in agreement.

The weird this is Alex is Katie brother and Josh is my brothers. Me and Katie are best friends and so are Alex and Jason. "what up"? Jason yelled as he walked up to my boyfriend Alex. Alex smiled, he is shy."Wanna go grab some pizza"? We all nodded and laughed as we exited the school and jumped in Joshes purple van.

Alex and Josh in the front me and Katie in the back.

It took us I say about 10 minutes to get to the pizza place and 2 minutes for us to eat!

After we got back to the school we snuck in and grabbed our bags and reached the parking lot and our cars right when the bell rigs to go home!

chapter three: Big mistake

the ride home with Katie was painful. My ears were porbaly bledding. All I haer was JOs

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2014 ⏰

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