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             The next day was dark. Evie got up as usual, starting a fire and checking on Marilyn before heading outside to get some water. She couldn't shake the nervous feeling that kept her looking back to make sure she wasn't being watched but the day was also unusually calm and peaceful. She got a bucket of water and grabbed a few withered apples from the ground. And made her way back to the cave.   
             She stopped suddenly covering her mouth with her hand when she saw her cat lying dead in the brush on the side of the dirt road. She gasped when she saw the same little bird, perched on the cats body, it's feathers puffed up to hide it from the cold. She turned slowly and kept walking until she made it back to the cave.
               Marilyn was feeling better as he sat by the fire. Evie sat down beside him kissing his cheek gently and handing him and apple and some water. He ate it and slowly stood up. "I'll help you with the bodies." He said.
              "No I can handle it but you can come with me." Evie responded, standing up with him. They walked outside and Evie began to dig a hole for the rest of the bodies. After the first few shovelfuls, Evie felt Marilyn's arm pulling her towards him. She turned and looked at him for a moment before wrapping her arms around him, her face buried into his leather jacket. She never felt more safe then in that moment in his arms. He didn't have to say a word for her to know that he loved her.
                 They stayed like that for a while before Evie finished digging the grave. They moved each body out until every one was buried. Evie spread leaves over the top of the grave before standing back, taking a deep breath. "I'm glad that's over." She whispered. She looked at Marilyn but he had his back to her, staring across the hill. "What is it?" She asked, laying a hand on his arm. She looked over the hills in the direction that he was staring.
                  A heavy rain, discolored the sky and shielded the view as it moved towards them. "Let's get inside." Evie said, hooking her arm around his and going back to the cave. He stared a moment longer before following her. Once inside, Evie used what was left of the water to clean the rest of the blood, making the cave look normal again. "All clean!" She said smiling a little. Marilyn seemed a little distracted and Evie sat beside him, poking at the fire. "Are you okay?" She asked. He laid his hand gently on hers, on her lap.
                 "Are you?" He asked.
                 "Yeah I'm... I'm fine." Evie stuttered a little.
                 "I'm sorry for what I've done to you." He said, his voice shaking.
                 "No! Don't say that!" Evie cried. "You have opened my eyes Marilyn! You've made me look at everything in a whole new perspective! No killing people isn't okay. In fact you should probably be in jail but I've learned something from you! I've learned that there's a reason for everything! You didn't get where you are because you aren't in pain, I could see it ever since you brought me here! You showed me that people can't judge other people without at least hearing their story!"
                 Evie's voice cracked with tears as she let out everything she'd kept bottled up for the last few months. "In the shortest time you've taught me more then anyone I've ever met. You taught me that you can never look at someone and know what they're about. No matter how bad they are or no matter what they've done, they're still human. And lastly you taught me that vampires really don't exist."
                Evie smiled through her tears. He turned his head trying to hide the first smile Evie had ever seen on his face. "Oh my..." Evie whispered, pulling his face back towards her. He still tried to hide the fact that she'd made him smile but he couldn't. Evie thought it had to be the most beautiful smile she'd ever seen. Prettier then anything. "And it looks like I might have taught you how to smile." She said kissing his lips gently.
                 They sat together in an understanding silence for a long time. Evie slipped her pistol into her pocket, knowing better then to go anywhere without it anymore as she and Marilyn walked towards the cave entrance to watch the rain.
      They always say that a story is best with a good ending. One that brings complete closure and leaves all questions answered. That once you find that Prince Charming and realize the feelings are mutual that things will finally be at peace. Evie thought so too. Who doesn't love a beautiful ending.
                  Evie was thinking that as she stood beside Marilyn in the cave. The man she had come to love more than anything in the world. And she thought that all the way up until she heard the sound of a bullet finding its mark. She tried to keep that perfect image in her mind as a rose bud of red bloomed right between those beautiful, perfect dark eyes. She never heard Marilyn's body as it hit the ground beside her. She never heard the ungodly scream that ripped from her throat. She didn't even feel herself rip the gun from her jacket pocket and pull the trigger, killing yet another cop. The numbness that spread through her body kept her from feeling anything at all as she fell at Marilyn's side begging him to wake up and not to leave her.
                    She held onto his body like it was the last thing she would ever do. Like she'd done many times before she couldn't help but think, "what a beautiful, perfect, broken man." Covering his body with her own, she hoped to protect him like she'd always done even though it was actually over this time. She never even saw as the military filed into the cave and surrounded her nor did she see the thirty or more gun barrels aimed at her head. And she never even heard it when the cop simply stated,
              "Evangeline Greene, you are under arrest for murder."
•                                      •                                        •

It really saddens me to end this book after so many months of planning and working but I've completely enjoyed writing it. I want to thank everyone who kept up with my irregular update schedules to read this book it means more then you could ever imagine! The end was very hard for me, a hardcore Manson fan, to write but I felt like it had to be done in order for me to do what I've been so excited to tell anyone who's been reading this. Most of you probably haven't read my book "One of Us" but i started it a while back and then stopped writing but I've decided that if you want a second book to this one that that's going to be the one! I have to edit and republish it but I have decided to try to link this book to a few others. I've decided that since I based this book off of the "Putting Holes in Happiness" music video that I'm going to continue it using other roles that Manson has done so in this case I will continue it in my book "One of Us" and base it off of his role as Ron Tully in Sons of Anarchy. I never expected to do this until I decided on the ending of this book and then realized that "One of Us" fits perfectly, so if you've read it please reread after I edit and republish it so that it will make sense. Once again, thank you all so much for reading and voting and for the sweetest comments! ❤️

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