First day

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Free! Iwatobi Swim Club

Haru x Reader

//You\\ looked out infront of you, pulling on your goggles so they would shield your eyes from the chlorine-filled water you were about to dive into.

You were a transfer student, coming back to the Iwatobi High School since you left back in the 5th grade.

Over the time you were gone, you had found an interest in water. You learned how to swim, and even joined a swim team in Texas, where you lived for quite some time.

Problem was, you only swim free.

Coming back to your home town, you discovered that there was a Swim team at your school, but it was all boys.

Putting up quite the argument , you were permitted into the Iwatobi Swim Club.

Today was your 1st practice with your new teammates. Not being able to wait for their arrival, you dived in, instantly feeling the cool liquid against your dry skin, swimming incredibly fast. When you finally pulled up for air, you were surprised to see 4 men around your age looking at you, perplexed looks making you blush almost immediately .

Pulling yourself out of the pool, you stood in nothing but a bathing suit, a 1 piece to be exact.

You extended a hand to all 4 of them in general.

"I'm (y/n) , I'm the newest member of the swim club. "

After they introduced themselves, names being Nagisa, Rei, Makoto, and... Haruka , you found yourself taking in their qualities.

And although you liked all of them, you were particularly interested in Haruka.

"So, what style do you swim with...?"

Makoto asked after a minute, Nagisa handing you a towel.

"Ah, right. I swim free~" You stated, Makoto shooting Haruka a look.

After a few minutes of chatting, it was time to begin. You were mainly a filler, although any chance to swim was good enough for you.

The boys were practicing their medley relay, and as a chance to point out your weaknesses, you were instructed to take Haruka's place this 1st time for practice.

As everyone went, first Makoto, then Nagisa, Rei, you prepared yourself.

As soon as Rei hit the wall, you dived over him, form perfect. They could only watch in awe as you swam faster than any of them ever could, except maybe Haruka.

As you hit the wall marking the end, you could hear claps as hands were extended to help you out of the water.

Taking hold of one, (Not quite sure who's ) you pulled yourself out , before discovering that it was Haru's.

"Good job. " he said, voice calm and low.

You picked up your towel with a mad blush, wrapping the cloth around yourself as the other 3 talked about your form and timing, Rei commenting on how "Beautiful it was to watch. "

I Only Swim Free~ A Haruka Nanase X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now