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Elayna sighed, stepping off the plane and into America. It was already so different. The air didn't have the same... sense of home as London did. Her brothers had sent her here, as payback for whatever they thought that she had done. She hadn't done anything wrong. It was their fault. The government building in Wales wasn't that important, was it?

No matter. She'd gone through enough trauma as it crumbled around her. She felt a pang of uncomfortableness in her shoulder, where a beam fell on it and broke her shoulder blade. She rubbed it nervously.


She had finally made it to the hotel she was renting a room at until she could find herself a place. She checked in and went to her room, labeled "221". She frowned at the black lettering on the rich cream colored door.

"The world is out to get me."

She unlocked and opened the door, glaring at the back of it after all her belongings were safely inside. She placed her hands on her hips, swivelled around, and sighed deeply through her nose. She didn't think she'd ever get used to the sight of the room before her. As soon as she'd entered, she'd seen the bathroom to the left, the kitchen to the right, and the bed, table, and chairs down the small hall in between the two.


It was about a year later when she met Jim.

Elayna was still living in room 221, and was looking at houses in the area she'd grown to love. She'd been walking through downtown and was looking in the window of a tattoo parlor. She had been spacing out, so when she snapped to she backed up a bit, right into someone.

"Oh, God, I'm so sorry!" She apologised, but the smooth Irish accent she was met with was almost a taste of home. She sighed.

"No, you're fine, love. Both figuratively and literally," He flirted. Elayna giggled.

"Thank you... you're not too bad yourself. Sorry for running into you, there,"

"Don't sweat it. Name's Jim, by the way. Jim Moriarty."

"Elayna." She smiled. "Elayna Holmes."


It was almost eight o' clock. Elayna sat at the table, wondering when Jim would come back. He'd said he'd be back in a minute, but it had been about fifteen. Their waiter passed by, so she grabbed his attention.

"Excuse me, have you seen my boyfriend? He hasn't come back from the restrooms yet and I'm getting a bit worried," she told him. But then Jim came around the corner. She sighed, at ease once again. "I'm sorry, never mind. He's here now." The waiter smiled and nodded, then went back to whatever he was doing.

"Sorry Lovey, I was outside for a bit, one of my people needed my help," he explained as he sat down.

Elayna sighed. "It's fine, I was just getting a bit worried. That's all. But please let me know next time."

Jim smiled. "Alright. Well," He adjusted his chair. "Um..." He stood back up and went around to her side of the table, then took Elayna's hands in his own. "You know I really love you, right?" He asked. Her eyes widened and she nodded. Jim pulled out a small box from his pocket. "Then will you marry me?"


Elayna had moved out of her rented room and into their new house slightly in the country. She looked out of the window of their bedroom, and set her hand on her stomach.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2016 ⏰

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