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Dec was stood in front of the mirror not knowing what to feel or how to act "what happens after tonight" Ant heard Dec whisper and it's apparent decs not taking it well "Declan what's wrong" ant asked coming up behind Dec seeing him tearing up "what happens next Anth when we're not on the telly making people laugh winning awards making people's Saturday nights with SNT and BGT and weeks with I'm a celeb what next I know nothing else this is all I've ever known" Dec said and his voice cracked at the end "Declan mate all good things come to an end at some point let's go to the NTA's clear up and get absolutely mortal okay it'll be okay" Ant said and kissed Dec on the forehead

When they arrived at the NTA's Decs stomach was turning and he felt sick he didn't want to leave the world of show business it was his life. He goes home to no one every night while Ants got Lisa "hey hey Dec you okay" Philip from this morning said "what...hey Phil yeah yeah I'm fine" Dec said faking a smile "it's got to you hasn't it leaving packing it all in" Phil asked and sat down next to Dec "it won't be all bad you can go out whenever sleep in play golf whenever you want you'll have schedule to keep to, you won't..." Phil said but Dec cut him off "I love all that though I love the scheduled days I love routine knowing I'm making people smile and happy it's what I do it's what I've always done I don't think I can leave Phil I just can't not yet I'm 41 I've got a few years left in me yet I'll do it without Ant if I have too" Dec said getting more passionate by the second "GO and see your fans Declan they're outside screaming for you they think it's the last time they'll see you on tv go and enjoy it" Phil said knowing how much this means to Dec and Dec done just that he went outside to everyone.

"What's next Ant for you and Dec" a reporter asked Ant "god I dunno we've spent ya kna our lives in TV it's all we know it's gonna be difficult not being here coming to things like this but eh we'll get there we just hope that we've made Newcastle proud we're just two lads from the north who got a lucky break" Ant replied watching Dec with fans realising he doesn't want to leave either "Declan come over the now" Ant shouted over to him "what's up...oh we're being interviewed sorry didn't know" Dec said coming over "Hiya love" Dec said and smiled at the female reporter "your fans are going crazy Britain went crazy when we heard you're retiring how does that make you feel" she asked "loved makes me feel loved ya kna from a 13 know it all boy to who I am today I couldn't of asked for a better life I really couldn't it's been a great 27/8 years I wish I could stay forever we both do who knows what's gonna happen I'm just thankful
that I'm able to make people smile and laugh" Dec replied nearly tearing up and Ant hugged him "I don't want to leave we've made a mistake" he whispered in decs ear and Dec just nodded trying to stay calm and that left the whole red carpet wondering what they said

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