Fun on the Carpet

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I look around the red carpet just taking it all in, reporters everywhere security everywhere and thousands of screaming people on both sides and I can't help think 'why the hell am I retiring I must be mental" I watch Declan with fans taking funny photos and then some serious ones and doing some autographs. All we want to do is make people happy and I don't want to sound big headed but we clearly do that and the thought of leaving now tears my heart apart it seemed like a good idea at the time with SNT being finished for another year. Outta nowhere I hear speakers blaring 'I'm a freak' and I look around and nearly fall down laughing ITS DECS MAN HE BROUGHT SPEAKERS "you wanna leave on a high mate well he's making sure of that" graham norton said walking past god I love my best friend and I love my job....or should I say loved my job. Decs now dancing rather intimately with holly from this morning  still to 'I'm a freak' and they start almost doing a Charleston kinda dance with the swivel feet they shared a quick kiss at the end just to make the crowds go mental and that is what they did screaming isn't even the word they were like spontaneously combusting with excitement "oi you two having fun" I say going over and hugged holly "gotta make a scene on our last night Anth even if I'm shitting it" Dec said and smiled sweetly "i can't believe youse are leaving who am I gonna have morning coffee with in the studios" holly said tearing up and hugged Dec tightly "it's okay pet it'll be fine" Ant said stroking her back and done his  best to keep the cameras away while they consoled her, to be honest we hadn't really thought about  how this would affect everyone else, well, I say we I mean I haven't

We're the talk of the show tonight we're being pulled off to interviews every second it's chaos but we love it, I caught Dec crying before in the toilets he faked a smile and went back out but I know he doesn't want to leave, this his his life OUR life. Me and Lisa haven't been getting on well lately and working has been my escape without that I don't know what I'll do.

Maybe we'll do something on stage who knows...

Dec and holly are getting closer is it the start of something special??!!! Will they continue to retire or not WHO KNOWS?!?!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2016 ⏰

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