Chapter I

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Chapter One: Audrey

"Audrey, you never get off of your phone." Emma told her.
      "And you never get off of Eli." Audrey muttered absentmindedly as she sent another text.

"What?" Emma's eyes widened. Audrey's did the same as she inhaled sharply.
        "Nothing." She shook her head quickly.

"Uh-huh. Who are you talking to?" Emma crossed her arms over her chest. Audrey turned her phone off and slid it in her back pocket.

"A friend." She shrugged simply, trying to avoid the conversation.

"One of our friends or?" Emma persisted.

"Someone else." Audrey answered vaguely.
       "Being?" Emma pushed.

"Does it matter?" Audrey laughed nonchalantly, but her heart was thumping and her palms were sweaty. She was never really the best at lying.

Who was she kidding, she'd actually gotten a lot better. It was just the nausea and palm sweating she worried about.

"It does. Your eyes have been glued to your phone for the past month and a half, we're kind of suspicious." Emma told her.

"Don't be, there's just a lot of cool new short films online, I've been binging." She lied again. Her phone buzzed and her fingers twitched but she restrained herself from grabbing it.

"So the notifications are uploads?" Emma asked in a ridiculous manor.          
     "Yeah," Audrey's heart started beating faster.

"You do realise I know when you're lying, right?" Emma sighed.

"Em, I'm not lying. Ok, you act like being my phone is such a terrible thing." Audrey snapped. Emma rose an eyebrow and Audrey sighed before shaking her head.

The bell rung, saving her from any further questioning.

Once she knew she'd gotten far enough away from Emma, Audrey pulled her phone out of her back pocket and looked at the text that she received.

EJ: Remind me again why I should tell you?

Audrey rolled her eyes and replied quickly.

AJ: Because we're friends.

And before she turned off her phone, it buzzed again.

EJ: Wow, such a huge step in our relationship. I don't know if I'm ready for this kind of commitment, A.


No, it wasn't because she'd been binging Pretty Little Liars (and trying not to accept that she actually loved it.) It was to keep herself hidden in a bubble. She wasn't Audrey Jensen: 1/3 Survivor Girls of the Lakewood spree killings.

              She was just AJ.

     And that was the only thing the girl, or boy, on the other side of the screen knew about Audrey. Thats almost always how she wanted it. Other times-- rarer times, she wanted them, whoever they were, to know her name. To know more than just the movies she watched and the music she listened to, like how passionately she hated living in Lakewood. How she desperately wanted a normal life, or how she knew that would never happen and that irked her so badly she could scream about it for hours.

Rarer times, though.

AJ: Are you gonna answer the question?

She'd been trying to get E to tell her their age for about a week.

EJ: Ok, are you ready?

Her eyes widened before she realised she was still in the middle of the hallway.

AJ: I'm all ears, E.

She tucked her phone back into her pocket and jogged to her next class.

She walked in right as the bell rang, only to get a glare from her least favourite teacher.

"Nice of you to join us, Ms. Jensen." Mr. Niken readjusted his glasses.

"I'm not late, the bell didn't ring until I walked in." She scrunched her eyebrows together.
      "Are you talking back?" He rose on of his bushy ones.

She glared briefly before clenching her jaw.

"No, I wasn't." She muttered before walking to her seat.

"Good, I'd hate to call your father. Again." He stood to turn off the lights. Audrey rolled her eyes in annoyance and slumped down into her chair.

The room went dim and she sighed heavily.
"What's wrong with you?" Noah asked.
        "I don't want to be here." She shut her eyes.

"Jensen," The older man warned. Audrey's eyes widened and she threw her hands up.

'What did I do to deserve this cruel and unusual punishment.' She mouthed as she looked up at the ceiling.

She wasn't a firm believer of anything being up there, but she had to ask someone these questions.

buzz buzz buzz

'Three texts in a row, what the hell?'

Audrey looked up and around at her peers and saw that almost everyone had their phones pulled out during the documentary, including Mr. Niken.

EJ: Ok
EJ: So
EJ: I'm

Noah did this all of the time, sending bits and fragments of the whole message to stall, and he knew how much she hated it.

AJ: There are easier ways to say that you don't want me to know

EJ: nononono I do, I'm just scared.

Audrey scrunched her eyebrows together before replying.

AJ: Scared of what?
EJ: Of you being older than me, or worse.
AJ: Worse?
EJ: Younger.

Audrey smiled a bit and shook her head.
"What's so funny?"  Noah looked at her.
"I'm on tumblr, people are ridiculous." Audrey lied as she looked at him.

"Relatable text posts are so hilarious." He stated sarcastically.
"I don't like your tone, Foster." Audrey told him with a slight grin.
"I don't like your face, Jensen." Noah countered jokingly. Audrey gasped quietly as she flung her hand over her heart,
"Jensen, Foster." Mr. Niken sighed.

"Jesus Christ," Audrey clenched her fists.

'I really hope E is having a much better day than I am...'


And that's chapter one... It sucked, and it's short, but that's chapter one, I hope you guys enjoyed it. Chapter two is coming very soon.

Also this is kind of an alternate or post-season two episode twelve where the innocent Hudson boy (Eli) lives, as does Jake Fitzgerald. Also there's a whole bunch of shit that's been rearranged in the timeline I made up, so please bare with it. Gracias.

Dedicated to one of my best friends augustmoons I love you, Lele.

Alright, I'm out.


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