The Invasion (Part 1)

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At the Shadow Clan HQ, Lady Shade seated on her throne chair. She closed her eyes and recalled Kage's days as a normal mystic and her pride in his skills as a ninja right to the point where he mutated as a mutant wolf.

Suddenly, Tigress entered the main room and knelt one knee down on the floor that snapped Lady Shade out of her thoughts.

"Mistress Shade." Tigress spoke. "The Kraang are growing impatient for your decision."

"They have proven to be dangerous allies, especially with their magnificent technology to the clan." Lady Shade stated.

"But the Kraang doesn't care for the human and mystic race." Tigress pointed out. "They will eventually betray you."

"Nor do I and I'll be ready for their sudden betrayal." Lady Shade said. "Leave me be, Tigress."

Tigress nodded her head and exited the throne room. As the door shut behind Tigress, Lady Shade activated the communications with the Kraang and an image of Kraang Prime projected on the screen.

"Kraang Prime." Lady Shade greeted.

"One called Lady Shade." Kraang Prime greeted back. "Kraang must have your decision."

"Will you keep your bargain if I agree to help you?" Lady Shade asked.

"Kraang will contain the ones called Saldana and the Lotus Ninjas." Kraang Prime replied with a nod.

"And you will mutate Kage back to normal once you find him?" Lady Shade asked in a hopeful tone.

"Kraang agrees to this." Kraang Prime responded with a nod. "But in return, Lady Shade must then help Kraang conquer the city known as New York City. And then the world!"


Outside, April was walking on the street with Irma and Eliza in the snow. April had on her hoodie while Irma and Eliza had on a scarf.

"It's just that, why can't you guys introduce me to your secret friends? I don't get it." Irma spoke.

"One of these days, guys." April said reassuringly. "Maybe. They're really good, uhm, people. Anyway, what I wanna know is, how can you two go out in this weather without a coat?"

"Eh, we hardly ever notice the cold." Eliza replied with a shrug. "But seriously, Irma's right. Casey's the same way with me. I mean, if we're friends, friends should introduce friends to friends and..."

Suddenly, Foot Bots and Shadow Droids appeared out of nowhere as they stood on either side of the girls.

"Foot Bots and Shadow Droids!" April screamed.

"These aren't the types of friends Eliza and I meant!" Irma exclaimed.

"Move, girls! Run!" April shouted.

April, Irma, and Eliza started running away from the Foot Bots and Shadow Droids. April pulled out her T-Phone, but a throwing star landed on it that made her phone crack on the ground.

"Who are these freaks, April?" Eliza cried.

"Doesn't matter! Run!" April answered.


Elsewhere, Ella was out on patrol searching for Karai and Kage with Raph and Casey.

"Where are you? You two gotta be out there somewhere." Raph whispered as he was using his small telescope to scan the rooftops.

"Don't worry, Raph. We'll find them." Ella said softly as she placed her hand on Raph's shoulder. "By the way, where's Casey?"

Raph unexpectedly noticed that Casey wasn't on the rooftop with them. He and Ella then looked down to watch Casey doing a little graffiti art with spray paint on a building wall. They jumped down from the building rooftop and landed on the ground to walk towards their hockey friend.

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