e i g h t e e n

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That was a couple weeks ago.
Emmy slowly got worse and still refused to see a doctor.
I never left her side in those final weeks. She was, different. 
Not like the girls who dig their toes in mud or stay out all night partying.
She was like a flower.
Picked for its beauty. On her last night, her and I watched the sunset together.
"This is nice."
"Yeah, nice for a dying girl."
My heart hurt, she was special to me.
"I love you."
"Henry, don't throw that word around. 'Love',sheesh."
"I do, I really love you Emerson Prim."
"Hm. I guess." Then she yelled in pain grabbing her side with one hand, and my hand in the other.
"I'm done."
"This whole thing. I've found something meaningful, so I'm ready to go."
She looked at me then, like, really looked at me. Then, she kissed me.
"I love you too, Pretty boy."
And then, she was gone.
The love of my life.
My something meaningful,

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