dedicated to meh friends

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i love all my friends so much so im doing this

Lily: tbhgay
Ah so much about you , we usually hang out a lot and thats is really cool. I wish you would accept how beautiful and talented you are though. You always make me laugh and we have cried together. Just know im always here and it is okay to cry.ilysm

Amelia: peachdodie
There is so much i can say about you too. im so sorry about hurting before and we really need to hang out soon. But you always are able to make me smile and happy. you are so beautiful and so talented. Im always here for you and ilysm

Olivia: Atomic-Idiot
Ahhh you and i njhs buddies and you are so funny to me. We do things together but we never hang outside of school. But i really
like how you always make me laugh. You are so beautiful and so talented. Im always here
for you and ilysm

Skye: HollyjollyJunghan
i havent seen you im 2 years but we haf the best time in sixth grade.WE NEED TO HANG OUT

ily all meh friends so vv much and they are
amazing go follow and read their books

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