Chapter 3: Learning and Studying, What a Bore

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~ As the classes begin things begin to settle down as they keep their minds set on studying and such. ~

Early in the morning, outside on the balcony was Eleanor enjoying the morning sunrise. As she gazed at the sun slowly appearing from behind the mountain tops, her brown hair blew silently behind her. She was in deep thought wondering if things were going to be as great as she hoped for. Of course it was, but she doubted herself once again. Interrupting her thoughts was first year Hermione Granger, "C'mon Eleanor, get dressed so we can go eat breakfast." "I'll meet you guys in the Great Hall." Eleanor said looking back at her and smiling softly. "Okay if you say so. C'mon Hunter." And with that the two of them went to the Great Hall.

After a few more minutes of thinking Eleanor got dressed in her skirt, shirt, tie, and robe and went to the Great Hall to join everyone. On the way there she was greeted by the paintings, "Hello Eleanor", "Good morning Ms. Rozier.", "Enjoy breakfast Miss Ella." To each greeting she waved and replied with a thank you or a good morning as well. As she got to the bottom of the staircases she was stopped by a stubby looking poltergeist. "Who are you? I've never seen you here before yet you look to old to be a first year." He said crossing his arms and floating up to her face and taking off her glasses. "You're blind too? Wow, Hogwarts sure has lowered their standards." Eleanor's face went beet red. "Give me those back, you little thief." She said swooping down to get her glasses but ended up falling face-first on the floor. "Nice try, I'm the oh-so-great Peeves and there is no way you are getting these back." "I'm Eleanor and I am determined to get MY glasses back." She said reaching for her glasses. "You make me laugh little one." He said faking a yawn as she struggled to get her glasses. Soon a ghost appeared behind Peeves.

"Peeves are you bothering new students, again?" The ghost said plucking the glasses out of his hands and handing them back to Eleanor. "Sorry 'bout him, I'm Sir Nick but everyone calls me Nearly Headless Nick." Eleanor took the glasses and placed them back on her nose. "Nearly headless?" She asked in confusion and he grabbed his hair and pulled his head to the side revealing muscles and bones in his neck. Eleanor almost puked at the sight. "Uhm well thank you again Nearly Headless Nick." She said and looked back at Peeves. "I'll get you back Peeves." She said laughing after wards as Peeves bowed.

She began walking again and finally arrived at the Great Hall. As she walked through the large gold door, she saw many kids talking and enjoying their morning meals. She spotted Hermione and Hunter ,who were sitting across from Ron, George, and Fred, and made her way over to them. "Good morning." She said taking a seat next to Hunter. "What took you so long?" Hermione asked after swallowing a piece of bread she ate. "Got interrupted by Peeves and Nearly Headless Nick." Fred and George snickered at this. "Peeves? What did he do? Did he pour water on ya'?" "Did he dump powder all over ya'?" Fred and George asked with excitement in their voice.

"No he just grabbed my glasses and took off with em'" She said taking a sip of her pumpkin juice. "Oh." The said obviously disappointed. "Peeves and the twins are like best friends, they're always pulling pranks together." Ron explained. "It's great every year he does something to first years and new students. Even teachers too." George added with a mouthful of food. "How bout you swallow first before speaking?" Hunter said with a bit of sass in her voice. George glared at her and wiped his mouth while everyone just laughed. After a few more minutes the bell rang meaning classes would start in five minutes. "Well see you later Hermione and Ron." Hunter said grabbing Eleanor's arm and made their way to Care of Magical Creatures Class with Fred and George following behind. The lot arrived outside of Hagrid's hut and saw Hagrid himself standing there waiting for them.

"'Ello everyone welcome back!" He said staring down at all of them seeing that they were much shorter than him. He spotted Eleanor and laughed, "Oops my bad also Welcome new students. Welcome to Care of Magical Creatures class. I'm Hagrid and I'll be teachin 'ya of course. Now today we're learning about the Hippogriffs. If ye' follow me to the forest, we'll begin our lesson." Everyone followed Hagrid through trees and stopped when they saw what looked like a humongous eagle. "This 'ere is Buckbeak the Hippogriff. The front area of an eagle and the back of a horse." He said patting Buckbeak on the back. The creature was truly magnificent, it was much taller than Hagrid and towering over the students. Eleanor stared at his bright orange eyes that showed a hint of curiousness in them. "Alright each of 'ye is gonna take a turn on trying to feed Buckbeak. Now in order to do that you're gonna need to look in his eyes and just wait for him to move towards you, then after that you bow slightly and then hold up the ferret and toss it in the air. Alright? Alright!" Everyone got into a single file line pushing Eleanor out of the way making her last in line. Fred saw her disappointed face, "Shame on all of you." He said to everyone around him and made his way to the back of the line with Eleanor.

"You didn't have to do that." She said looking up at him. "Yes I did. How could I leave my best friend alone?" He said giving her his signature cheeky grin. She smiled back at him a slight pink tint to her cheeks. Everyone began trying to feed Buckbeak but failed because they forgot a direction or couldn't keep eye contact. After Fred had gone, and  failed, it was finally Eleanor's turn. She slowly stepped forward close to the Hippogriff. She stepped on a large piece of wood making a very loud snapping noise causing Buckbeak to look directly at her. She held her hands out in front of her down low showing him to stay calm, managing to keep eye contact with him. She soon took another step forward tilting her head a bit making him tilt his head back a bit as well. Buckbeak then stepped towards her making the space between them smaller. Eleanor smiled at him then bowed slightly and held up the ferret. He began to make a crowing noise that seemed like he was excited and she threw the ferret into the air and Buckbeak lifted onto his hind legs and engulfed it into his mouth.

"Alright! Good job uhm-" He said unsure of her name. "Eleanor." She said smiling. "Eleanor! That was absolutely great. I've never seen Buckbeak crow at anyone before like that even me. Well done!" Everyone clapped and Eleanor quickly walked back over to Fred, Hunter, and George. "I think you did a pretty good job making a first impression." Hunter smiled. "Yea, way better than ours." Fred and George said at the same time. Everyone made their way back to Hagrid's hut and he congratulated everyone with a mug of butterbeer. After everyone had finished their foamy drink, the bell rang getting everyone's attention and began walking to their next class. The four had Divination next, then Transfiguration, Potions, and finally Defense Against the Dark arts. After the long day of learning, they decided to go out by the black lake.

Eleanor and Fred collapsed on a rock and Hunter and George sprawled out onto the grass. "I can't believe how much studying and homework we have to do." Eleanor groaned. "Yea its so annoying. Stupid Professor Snape giving us the most." George added. Eleanor sat up and looked at Hunter and George, as did Fred, and smirked. "Y'know those two would be lovely together." Eleanor whispered to Fred. "I'll bet you one galleon that they won't get together." Fred said holding out his hand. "Deal. One galleon they will." She said shaking his hand and smirking evily at him then laughed. "I'm going to win." She mocked laying back down with her hands under her head. "No your not." Fred said looking down at her. The two of them looked into each others eyes for a few moments but then were interrupted by fake coughs from Hunter and George.

"C'mon love birds, let's head back now." Hunter said laughing. The two of them blushed madly then caught up with the other two heading to the Gryffindor common room. As the four of them walked up the stairs and waved their goodbyes to one another, a hint of red was still visible on Eleanor's cheeks. After being mocked by Hunter and getting a speech from Hermione about being in bed at a certain time, she fell asleep thinking of the brown and green glowing eyes of Fred Weasley

//// sorry its such a short chapter c: anyways I hope you still like it check out my other stories as well if you'd like. Well i'll update soon. Until then c:

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