Part 2: Am I A Burden?

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(A/n: it was devistating for me today

(A/n: it was devistating for me today

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I thought with having to socialize can mean more people to stay with you and help you through as you'll do as well..........

But yet if you put them through the test you'll find a much honest and maybe hurtfull answer........

My friends that I have made since the seperation of my old ones say they will remember me........

If i were to dissapear tomorrow they would find the truth of where I am at and make sure that I'm safe..........

Telling me that they will be the shoulder for me to cry on and I accepted this statement..........

But today was a grim day for me............

My brother who was the first to understand my dark past and noticed my pain saved me and protected me from the blade............

Though there wasn't much action to stop it his voice always filled my head and replaced the negetive whenever I held the knife...........

Dropping it, I would cry in shame yet also joy..............

For I would know that he was there even when he was miles away...........

He kept my will to live alive............

Though now it's the time for the bird to start trying to leave the nest, some may forget that it's also hard for the bird as well.............

When my brother had to work in a different city he promised he'd still try to come home...............

But if not he'd stay at my aunts' place safe and sound...........

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2016 ⏰

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