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Stefan above
He's sexyfied I know..!!

Stefan's P.O.V.

Dear Jackie,
                Its been three months since you left. People keep saying you're gone,that you're dead,and I've started to believe them.
I'm sorry Jackie, my hope is're gone. If I was there that night,if I had stayed ,maybe I would still have you here,laughing and having fun. People still blame me for your death,your parents do . I miss you Jackie,and I'm sorry.

I folded the paper and pushed it into the empty envelope that lay soaked in tears that were constant these days.

Ever since Jackie left....I refused to believe she was dead but its been three months since she went missing, but I still feel like it was my fault. She was angry with me that night.....

Why now Jackie..why ......

My thoughts were left unfinished when my mom burst into my room,I shoved the letter into an open draw and dried my tears.

But she caught the last act,and what ever I was gonna be blown out for three seconds ago was now forgotten.

"Stef.......its been three months ,you needs to stop doing this to yourself ,she's go--,"I didn't let her finish .

I hollahed at all faith and hope I had and fired back .

"NO.SHE.ISN'T. Why does EVERYONE keep saying that......I know my Jackie, she can handle herself,she not gone ma,she's just lost ." at the last part I broke out in tears crying like the boy I never thought I'd become. The boy that Jackie kept under control,and now he bawled for her to be near him. But since that was not an option I settled for my moms shoulder instead.

"Oh baby,I really want to believe that,but it's hard,you know that...its okay ,its okay,its gonna be alright."

I let her try to cheer me up. But being happy again wasn't worth it without Jackie by my side.

After about an hour if tears and soothing ,my mom broke the silence that I was not aware of.

"I'm gonna make dinner k,be down I ten?"

"I'm not hungry ma."


"I'm. Not. Hungry." I snapped through gritted teeth's.

"Okay,"was all she said,I could hear the hurt in her voice,but I didn't care. My feelings were gone. Jackie took all that with her and more.

Nobody believes that I had nothing to do with it. At a point in time MA thought I had something to do with it .

School and my grades are fucked up just like my whole life. My friends have turned enemies and my teachers pity me.

Like,hell,I don't need any ones pity. What I need,who i one can give to me.

And that's how its gonna stay until she comes back.


So first chapter ,I'm really confident about this book.
A lot of you probably realised that I wrote a lot of books then deleted it and if  u haven't realised then ALLELUIA .

AnyWHOOOS ,I have a new way of making it even more interesting ,I saw this and thought why not,looks fun.
So here it is,I'm gonna be posting dares at the end if each chapter ,and I hope y'all do it cyz I'm picking winners .
It'll be fun promise.
So since this is only the first chapter I thought the dare should be about beginings so here it is:.......walk up to a stranger and be like,,omg omg you were there weren't you,and when they ask where or react be like, when it all started dummy,in a funny way and walk of. Comment what happened or email me at,*blackgoddess12345 *and I'll post those funnyass dares right here with the winners name .lol.

I know,awesome and weird right lol,okay so gatta go hope you vote comment and try my daressssss.

Okay by now lava y'all .


DEAR JACKIEWhere stories live. Discover now